Hi Doug,

Ok. Thank you! :)


Citando Douglas N Greve <gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>:

> Yes, that should work. You will need a registration matrix to give to
> mri_compute_volume_fractions. You can get this from tkregister2:
> tkregister2 --mov mrs.vol.nii --s subject --regheader --reg register.dat
> when you run this, hit the compare button to make sure that the mrs box
> falls on the part of the anatomical you think it should be. Then hit
> "Save" to save the registration.
> doug
> _andre...@sapo.pt wrote:
>> Hi Doug,
>> This already sheds some light on the issue!  I didn't know
>> mri_volsynth, I'm a begginer in FS. Lets see if I got it right. I have
>> the anatomical and the MRS data acquired in the same session, so I
>> won't need the EPI. If I manage to create the MRS volume using the
>> header info and mri_volsynth I only need to coregister my anatomical
>> with the synthetised volume and then run mri_compute_volume_fractions
>> through the synthesed volume and the identity matrix (?) (since my
>> data are from the same session) to get the % of the different tissue
>> types only inside the voxel. Of course I'll need more advice on this
>> later, but one thing at a time.
>> Thanks!
>> Andreia
>> Citando Douglas N Greve <gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>:
>>> Sorry, I don't know anyone who can help with that. As you note, people
>>> do it, so there must be people around who can extract the relevant
>>> information out of the header. The information you need are the
>>> direction cosines and RAS of the corner of the voxel. You can feed this
>>> into mri_volsynth.
>>> To register to FS, you'll need to have a whole-brain volume collected
>>> during the same session. If you collected the anatomical analyzed in FS
>>> at the same time, then you don't need another. If you did not, you can
>>> literally use any whole brain acquisition, eg, a single TR of an EPI
>>> (less than 10 sec to acquire). You can then register the EPI to the
>>> anatomical with bbregister. This gives you a "register.dat".  You can
>>> then concatenate that with the EPI-MRS registration (I can show you
>>> how). After that, you can run mri_compute_volume_fractions passing it
>>> the synthesized volume and the register.dat (or identity matrix if same
>>> session).
>>> Another alternative is to collect an actual MRI volume that spans your
>>> MRS volume. You can then substitute that for the synthetic volume. Note
>>> that the actual pixel content of this volume is irrelevant -- it's just
>>> used to get geometry information out of it. This will be the easiest if
>>> you can do it.
>>> doug
>>> _andre...@sapo.pt wrote:
>>>> Hi Doug,
>>>> Do you know who can help me with this? That's exactly what I think
>>>> that I need to do... The thing is that, unfortunately, I can't find
>>>> anyone who can describe how the creation of an MRI "volume" from the
>>>> MRS voxel is done, although this approach is present in many many
>>>> papers.
>>>> About the second part, how do I register the synthetized MRI "volume"
>>>> to the FS anatomical? And how can I get the volumes of only that
>>>> "volume"?
>>>> (Hopefully I'll find a way to do the first part...)
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Andreia
>>>> Citando Douglas N Greve <gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>:
>>>>> Hi Andreia,  I've done this before using information in the
>>>>> spectroscopy
>>>>> header, then synthesizing an MRI "volume" with one voxel that
>>>>> covers the
>>>>> size of your spectroscopy voxel, then registering that to the FS
>>>>> anatomical, then computing the partial volume fractions from the
>>>>> anatomical. The hard part is the first step, which I can't really
>>>>> advise
>>>>> you on.
>>>>> doug
>>>>> _andre...@sapo.pt wrote:
>>>>>> Dear list,
>>>>>> I am performing single-voxel and multivoxel spectroscopy analysis and
>>>>>> I need to do partial volume correction. I found a thread on the list
>>>>>> of someone asking if it possible to achieve this using Freesurfer
>>>>>> (see
>>>>>> below), but there is no answer saying how it is done. My question is
>>>>>> how can I define the voxel (for single-voxel) and the chosen voxels
>>>>>> (for multivoxel) in the anatomical data set to use the
>>>>>> segmentation of
>>>>>> only that defined voxel? I'm using a Siemens TrioTim 3T. All
>>>>>> acquisitions are in the same session. The anatomical dataset is an
>>>>>> average of 2 MPRAGEs which I've already processed using FS, and the
>>>>>> spectra files are .rda. The header of the MRS data has info on
>>>>>> vectors, but I don't know how to use them.
>>>>>> "Re: [Freesurfer] need info for beginner
>>>>>> Bruce Fischl
>>>>>> Thu, 26 Apr 2007 11:17:01 -0700
>>>>>> Hi Pom,
>>>>>> yes, people here are using it for spectroscopy and for partial volume
>>>>>> correction (also for voxel placement).
>>>>>> cheers,
>>>>>> Bruce
>>>>>> On Thu, 26 Apr 2007 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> I am about to install FREE SURFER for my Spectroscopy work.
>>>>>> I want to use the software to perform GM/WM segmentation on my
>>>>>> single voxel data sets.
>>>>>> I am wondering if any one on this mailing list is currently
>>>>>> doing this task. I would like to get comments.
>>>>>> My study is on a GE 3T scanner.
>>>>>> thank you,
>>>>>> Pom"
>>>>>> Any advice, please?
>>>>>> Thank you!
>>>>>> Andreia
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Andreia Pereira, MSc student
>>>>>> Visual Neuroscience Laboratory
>>>>>> IBILI-Faculdade de Medicina
>>>>>> Azinhaga de Santa Comba
>>>>>> 3000-354 Coimbra Portugal
>>>>>> Phone +(351) 239480220
>>>>>> Fax  +(351) 239480280
>>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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>>>>>> Freesurfer mailing list
>>>>>> Freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
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>>>>> --
>>>>> Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
>>>>> MGH-NMR Center
>>>>> gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
>>>>> Phone Number: 617-724-2358
>>>>> Fax: 617-726-7422
>>>>> Bugs: surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/BugReporting
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>>> --
>>> Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
>>> MGH-NMR Center
>>> gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
>>> Phone Number: 617-724-2358
>>> Fax: 617-726-7422
>>> Bugs: surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/BugReporting
>>> FileDrop: www.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/facility/filedrop/index.html
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Freesurfer mailing list
>>> Freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
>>> https://mail.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/mailman/listinfo/freesurfer
> --
> Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
> MGH-NMR Center
> gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
> Phone Number: 617-724-2358
> Fax: 617-726-7422
> Bugs: surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/BugReporting
> FileDrop: www.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/facility/filedrop/index.html
> _______________________________________________
> Freesurfer mailing list
> Freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
> https://mail.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/mailman/listinfo/freesurfer


Andreia Pereira, MSc student
Visual Neuroscience Laboratory
IBILI-Faculdade de Medicina
Azinhaga de Santa Comba
3000-354 Coimbra Portugal
Phone +(351) 239480220
Fax  +(351) 239480280

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