Hi Bruce,

(4) open in mricon t1_zero and use roi1 as overlay...anyway -rl option  
is what I was looking for! :D Thank you.... New pipiline is:

(command line:)
(a) mri_convert t1.mgz t1.nii.gz
(b) for roiX -> mri_convert roiX.mgz roiX.nii.gz -rl t1.mgz (it works  
with t1.nii.gz also )

Thank you so much!


Quoting Bruce Fischl <fis...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>:

> Hi Riccardo,
> I don't understand what 4) is. A couple of points:
> 1. if you give mri_convert .nii.gz as an output extension it will do the
> gzipping for you.
> 2. If you give mri_convert the flag -rl <template volume> it will reslice
> the input volume "like" the template.
> not sure if that solves your problem. Can you describe in more detail what
> you are trying to accomplish?
> cheers,
> Bruce
> On Tue, 19 Jul 2011,
> r.nava...@itab.unich.it wrote:
>> Hi FS expert.
>> I need to port my T1 and a couple of ROIs from mgz to nii.gz. The same
>> for many subjects. The issue's about dimensions. When I use fslview,
>> it respond me that "All overlays must have same dimensions as the base
>> image!". Indeed T1's 256x256x256 with voxel sizee 1mm3, ROIs are
>> differents dimensions and 0.5mm3 voxel size.
>> To work now I use this pipeline:
>> ( command line :) )
>> 1) mri_convert  ---> nii
>> 2) gzip ---> nii.gz
>> 3) fslmaths t1 -sub t1 t1_zero
>> 4) mricron t1_zero -l 0 -h 100 -o roi1.nii.gz
>> ( GUI only :( )
>> 5) (from mricron) save as nifti roi1_ok.nii.gz
>> Is there a way to do (5) from command line?
>> Thanx
>> Riccardo
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