The problem with doing the smoothing at the first level in FEAT is that 
it will be volume-based, not surface-based. I'm not sure what to tell 
you about using the varcopes. They will certainly be very noisy without 
smoothing, so probably smoothing is a good idea, even if it's volume-based.


Agnieszka Burzynska wrote:
> Dear Doug,
> Thank you so much. I completely see you point, but I have re-run the 1st
> level feat without smoothing just because it has been recommended not to
> smooth in the volume and then transfer it onto the surface, but rather first
> smooth on the surface
> (
> What I plan to do in the end is to include the cortical thickness as the
> vertex-wise covariate in the functional group analysis.
> So the final analysis will be on the group level, where, as you say, the
> varcopes should not matter that much.
> However, I was also thinking of analyzing varcopes in addition to copes
> (group analysis) to relate the variance of BOLD signal to the thickness.
> Would you then recommend going back and taking the initial 1st level
> analysis with regular smoothing?
> Thank you!
> Aga
> On 7/7/11 4:43 PM, "Douglas N Greve" <> wrote:
>> Hi Aga, your commands look right. For the DOF, it should be the sum of
>> the DOFs from all the runs (probably won't make much of a difference).
>> Smoothing is a bit of an issue when you want to look at individual
>> results. Technically, you should smooth before you do the first level
>> analysis (ie, before your compute the varcope), but this would require
>> doing the FEAT analysis directly on surface data. Smoothing after
>> computing the varcope means that the varcope will not be accurate (it
>> will be too large). The penalty is that you will see less activation
>> than you should. At the group level, this is not such a big deal because
>> you're either not using the varcope or you are using it as a weight.
>> doug
>> Agnieszka Burzynska wrote:
>>> Dear all,
>>> I am combining 3 runs of a subject using fixed effects GLM and I wanted to
>>> make sure I am doing the right thing.
>>> For each subject I use:
>>> mri_glmfit --y 3runs/lh.cope1.mgh --yffxvar 3runs/lh.varcope1.mgh --ffxdof
>>> 126 --osgm --glmdir 3runs/lh.osgm.ffx --surf fsaverage lh --label
>>> $SUBJECTS_DIR/fsaverage/label/lh.cortex.label --fwhm 5
>>> , while lh.cope1.mgh contains the concatenated cope1 images of the same
>>> subject in fsaverage space (the same for varcope1).
>>> 1) Is it the right way?
>>> 2) I took DOF from subjectX.feat/stats/dof of one of the runs. Is it
>>> correct?
>>> 3) The functional data has not been smoothed in the 1st level analysis in
>>> FSL (as recommended), and also not smoothed during sampling the copes to a
>>> common space. Therefore I want to smooth it here for the first time, but
>>> only with 5mm. Does it sound right?
>>> Cheers,
>>> Aga
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Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
Phone Number: 617-724-2358 
Fax: 617-726-7422


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