Hi Michelle, do the eccen and polar maps look ok? Also, I would probably 
smooth them a little bit. The field sign calculation is basically a 
spatial derivative so it can be sensitive to noise.

Michelle Umali wrote:
> Dear all,
>       I've been having issues with my fieldsign images all I get are  
> speckles. I did the following and did not get any errors:
> 1) ran recon-all -all
> 2) cut and saved occipital patches (rh.occip.patch.3d) from inflated surface
> 3) ran mris_flatten -w 0 distances 20 7 rh.occip.patch.3d rh.occip.patch.flat
> 4)mkanalysis-sess -rtopy.self.rh -surface self rh -TR 2 -retinotopy 48  
> paradigm
> rtopy.par -nskip 4 fwhm 0
> 5) selxavg3-sess -a rtopy.self.rh -s sj09
> 6) fieldsign-sess -a rtopy.self.rh -occip -s sj09
> When I looked at the fieldsign map using:
> 7) tksurfer-sess -a rtopy.self.rh -s sj09 -fieldsign
> all I got were blue and red speckles.  The polar and eccentricity maps  
> seemed ok.
> Any help would be great.
> Michelle
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Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
Phone Number: 617-724-2358 
Fax: 617-726-7422

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