I don't think we ever created a MEF atlas, but did do one for single echo FLASH. We don't have one we distribute as we don't use it internally and haven't assessed it for accuracy/reliability etc... for years. We could try to dig it up I guess, but we don't really support it at the moment.


 On Mon, 6 Jun 2011, Auer, Tibor MD. Ph.D. wrote:

Dear Freesurferers,

I am trying to process multi-echo FLASH (MEF) images with FS. I have read in
FSWiki, that the FLASH_atlas.gca was built precisely for MEF data acquired
with FA=5 and FA=30. However, when I have looked after FLASH_atlas.gca in
the FS installation, I have found none.

Is it possible to obtain it somehow?


Auer, Tibor M.D. Ph.D.

Biomedizinische NMR Forschungs GmbH

am Max-Planck Institut für Biophysikalische Chemie

Am Fassberg 11

37077 Göttingen


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