Hi Elisa, how was the slt file created? Can you send it and the summary 
file to me (don't send to the group).

Elisa Golfinopoulos wrote:
> Hi all,
> I wanted to follow-up on my previous e-mail, which may have been a bit 
> too vague.
> I am using the command:
> mri_surfcluster --in ./osgm/sig.mgh --subject average --surf inflated 
> --annot slt --sign abs --csd ../csd/mc-z.abs-osgm.csd  --sum 
> ./osgm/summaryfile.txt --o ./osgm/cluster_peaks.o --ocn 
> ./osgm/cluster_number.ocn --sd /speechlab/2/egolfino/srate/nipype/fsdata
> This command runs without error. The slt annotation file is found in 
> the right directory and read, but when I display the summary text file 
> I find that for each cluster the label under Annot is "NOT FOUND."
> This is not the case when I use mri_surfcluster, but substitute slt 
> with aparc. That is, when I use this substitution, in the summary text 
> file under Annot Freesurfer's labels are generated.
> I notice that when I run mri_surfcluster with aparc, after the 
> annotation file is read, the colortable is read from the annotation 
> file and the terminal indicates "colortables with 36 entries read 
> (originally 
> /autofs/space/terrer_001/users/nicks/freesurfer/average/colortable_desikan_killany.txt)."
> The color table is not read when I run mri_surfcluster with the slt 
> annotation file.
> I am assuming that our slt annotation file is missing information in 
> the header regarding the corresponding color table and I am wondering 
> if there is a way for me to generate a link between the annotation 
> file and the color table? Is it possible for me to set the color table 
> information in the annotation file or set the color table information 
> externally so mri_surfcluster knows which label corresponds with each id?
> Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks so much for your help.
> Cheers,
> Elisa
> P.S.: I am using the 5th version of Freesurfer for a 64 bit machine.
> On Mon, May 2, 2011 at 5:33 PM, Elisa Golfinopoulos <egolf...@bu.edu 
> <mailto:egolf...@bu.edu>> wrote:
>     Hi,
>     I am trying to use an annotation file that was created from a
>     parcellation scheme developed in my lab with mri_surfcluster. 
>     However, it's unclear to me how I can set the corresponding color
>     table for this annotation file either locally or globally.
>     mri_surfcluster doesn't seem to have a --ctab or --colortable
>     argument. Is there a way to set the color table as an environment
>     variable and would this be an appropriate workaround or is it the
>     case that the color table is a fixed setting for mri_surfcluster? 
>     Your help is greatly appreciated.
>     Cheers,
>     Elisa
>     -- 
>     Elisa Golfinopoulos
>     Speech Laboratory
>     Cognitive and Neural Systems
>     Boston University
>     Phone: 617.353.6181 <tel:617.353.6181>
> -- 
> Elisa Golfinopoulos
> Speech Laboratory
> Cognitive and Neural Systems
> Boston University
> Phone: 617.353.6181 <tel:617.353.6181>
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
Phone Number: 617-724-2358 
Fax: 617-726-7422

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