Hi there,
First the simple question - is there a way to run mris_anatomical_stats on all 
my subjects at once generating a single output file?

Second -  actually comprised from several questions:  when looking a the 
unthresholded group analysis on cortical thickness (in the averaged space), the 
distribution of negative and positive z values is not necessarily normal.  
i.e., the range of negative values maybe be 0 to -5, and the range of positive 
values 0 to +3.  
1. Is it legitimate toconclude from this that the regressor's overall effect is 
that it's associated with a thinner cortex (e.g., older subjects have a thinner 
cortex), eventhough most of the cortex does not survive FDR or multiple 
comparison correction?
2.  If yes, is there a way of exporting the distribution, or getting some 
numerical representation of the negative and positive values across the cortex, 
or within aparc annotations.  
3. Is there a way to set FDR separately for positive and negative values?



Ilana Hairston
Our ignorance is not so vast as our failure to use what we know.
—M. King Hubbert, peak oil prophet

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