Hi Michelle,

those aren't necessarily problems. We see this in lower quality scans 
where you get little 1d protruberances that have very small radius of 
curvature. Have you checked the ?h.white surface in those locations? At the 
end of the day, that's what you really care about. If you don't like them 
in your overlay for visualization purposes you could smooth the curvature a 
bit (tksurfer tools->surface->smooth curvature


On Thu, 12 May 2011, Michelle Umali wrote:

> Hi Bruce and others,
> I've had trouble replying to your email requesting that I send an image 
> (message got rejected).
> I am attaching a single image with a slide showing my problems.  I would like 
> to submit one brainmask snapshot showing obscured parietal lobe issues. 
> Please let me know when I can do that...
> Many thanks.
> Michelle
> Quoting Bruce Fischl <fis...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>:
>> Hi Michelle
>> Can you send us an image with arrows to point out what you think are 
>> problems?
>> Cheers
>> Bruce
>> On May 9, 2011, at 11:51 PM, Michelle Umali <m...@columbia.edu> wrote:
>>> Dear Freesurfers,
>>> I've noticed some problems in some inflated brains with the curvature
>>> displayed that I know will require manual intervention:
>>> -random spots of abnormally intense green or very intense red
>>> -tiny protrusions
>>> -falx cerebri obscuring parietal region
>>> -subcallosal splotches of red-green
>>> I've been reading the troubleshooting webpages, but I am not sure what
>>> is causing the above issues.
>>> Any suggestions on the appropriate edits would be greatly appreciated.
>>> Thanks.
>>> Michelle
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