Hi Elizabeth, when FS computes a p-value, it computes assuming an 
unsigned test. When you specify a sign to mri_surfcluster (eg, --sign 
pos), it recomputes the p-value to take advantage of the signed test 
(divides the p-value by 2, same as lowing the threshold from 2 to 1.7. 
So try using 1.7 instead of 2 in tksurfer. Also, why are you setting a 
max for surfcluster? That will exclude anything above 5.


Elizabeth Gutierrez wrote:
> Hi all,
> We're trying to create labels from a group level sig.mgh file. 
> However, after the labels are created and an annotation file/color 
> table is made, we try to view the sig.mgh file and the annotation file 
> in tksurfer, but they don't extactly overlap, even though they are 
> both configured to the same threshold (min-2 max-5). Most of the 
> labels are fine, but the labels closest to the the higher end of the 
> threshold end up being hollow, and only outline the sig.mgh clusters 
> instead of being completely filled out. Does that make sense?
> Here is our command for mri_surfcluster:
> mri_surfcluster --in sig.mgh --hemi lh  --subject fsaverage --thmin 2 
> --thmax 5 --sign pos --no-adjust --cwsig --o ./output_id --ocn 
> ./cluster_number --olab ./grouplabel
> Thanks in advance!
> Elizabeth
> -- 
> Elizabeth C. Gutierrez
> Graduate Student
> Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences
> Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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