
The system should load nvidia module automatically. You could try to add modprobe nvidia to rc.load. However there might be a problem in your system and you could try to use nvidia-bug-report.sh and send the out put to either nvnews.net nvidia linux forum or to this list.

Knut J

On 04/06/2011 10:02 AM, Jordi Delgado wrote:
Hi Freesurfers,

What Operating System are you using?

I'm using CentOS 5.5 but with CUDA 3.2 and I have some problems with the nvidia.ko kernel module. Every time that I reboot the computer I have to make a modprobe and test with some CUDA SDK example... Other problems appear when I run multiple recon-all, often the processes crash with a kernel panic or simply with an abort.

I don't know if the OS is interfering in the execution...

Any idea will be apreciated...

Thank you!

2011/4/5 Ian Malone <ian.mal...@drc.ion.ucl.ac.uk <mailto:ian.mal...@drc.ion.ucl.ac.uk>>

    On 05/04/11 16:55, Richard G. Edgar wrote:
    > On Tue, 2011-04-05 at 16:30 +0100, Ian Malone wrote:
    >> Richard G. Edgar wrote:

    >>> On the standard test case we use here, a full recon-all run
    takes 8
    >>> hours on a 3.2 GHz Nehalem core, and about 4 hours 20 mins
    when using
    >>> the Tesla C2050.
    >> Would I be right in concluding that a 4-core Nehalem (e.g. i7) has
    >> more throughput than the C2050 then?
    > Yes, but less than having 3 CPU jobs, and one GPU one. I did
    test once,
    > and there isn't much penalty to running one recon-all job per
    core on a
    > Nehalem system.
    > Right now, the CPU still does most of the work in the recon-all
    stream -
    > it's something of a game of Amdahl's Law Wac-A-Mole. You could
    > try starting 4 GPU jobs at once.... I've not done the testing, but a
    > C2050 would probably have enough RAM, and in any given recon-all
    > the GPU does spend a lot of time idle. Hence, it would end up being
    > divvied up between the four jobs.

    Thanks, that's interesting to know.

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