Make sure that your subjectname file has the name of the FreeSurfer 
subject folder as found in $SUBJECTS_DIR (it looks like it is empty). 
You don't need the retinotopy data in the $SUBJECTS_DIR.

Michelle Umali wrote:
> Dear Freesurfers,
> I am still struggling with the retinotopy analysis.  Whenever I try to 
> run preproc-sess, I get this message:
> Session: /home/fsl/structural/LD08 ----------------
> Tue Apr  5 07:22:28 BST 2011
>  is not in SUBJECTS_DIR
>   SUBJECTS_DIR is /home/fsl/structural
> I put the retinotopic and structural data into the structural 
> directory.  In addition, I have the subjectname file that contains 
> LD08 in this case.
> Any help would be most appreciated.  I am attaching the output, in 
> case it is helpful.
> Thanks.
> Michelle
>>> ing Douglas N Greve <>:
>>>> I don't have a formal manual yet (working on it). Below are a list of
>>>> steps that you need to run. The version 5 retinotopy stream is now
>>>> integrated with the rest of FSFAST, which is documented here:
>>>> doug
>>>> 1. Create retinotopy paradigm file in each run directory, eg,
>>>>     session/bold/001/rtopy.par
>>>>     session/bold/002/rtopy.par etc
>>>>  This text file identifies the data in the directory in terms of the
>>>>  stimulus type (polar or eccen) and the direction (pos or neg).  Its
>>>>  contents should look somethign like:
>>>>           stimtype polar
>>>>           direction pos
>>>> 2. Run preprocessing
>>>>  preproc-sess -surface self lhrh -fwhm 5
>>>> 3. Create analysis (30 sec period, 'rtopy.par' is the name of the
>>>>  paradigm file from above):
>>>> mkanalysis-sess -a rtopy.self.lh -surface self lh -TR 2 \
>>>>   -retinotopy 30 -paradigm rtopy.par
>>>> mkanalysis-sess -a rtopy.self.rh -surface self rh -TR 2 \
>>>>   -retinotopy 30 -paradigm rtopy.par
>>>> 4. Run analysis
>>>> selxavg3-sess -a rtopy.self.lh -sf ...
>>>> selxavg3-sess -a rtopy.self.rh -sf ...
>>>> fieldsign-sess -a rtopy.self.lh -occip -sf ...
>>>> fieldsign-sess -a rtopy.self.rh -occip -sf ...
>>>> 5. View results
>>>> a. Significance maps:
>>>>     tksurfer-sess -a rtopy.self.lh -s sessid
>>>> b. Display raw angle
>>>>     tksurfer-sess -a rtopy.self.lh -s sessid -map angle
>>>> c. Display angle masked by by sig
>>>>     tksurfer-sess -a rtopy.self.lh -s sessid -map angle.masked
>>>> d. Display field sign
>>>>     tksurfer-sess -a rtopy.self.lh -s sessid -fieldsign

Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
Phone Number: 617-724-2358 
Fax: 617-726-7422


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