Hi everyone,

we are preparing a list of papers that make use of the unbiased
longitudinal stream in FreeSurfer (in version 4.4 and up). This helps us
to keep track of impact and application fields (and it helps you to
advertise your research on our Wiki :-)
Please sent me your references (if possible with doi link).

I also have an update.
So far people could only cite our inverse consistent registration paper:

Highly Accurate Inverse Consistent Registration: A Robust Approach,
M. Reuter, H.D. Rosas, B. Fischl. NeuroImage 53 (4), pp. 1181-1196,

Now we published a small (3 page) comment, containing an overview on
several of the steps in FS longitudinal processing:

Avoiding Asymmetry-Induced Bias in Longitudinal Image Processing,
M. Reuter, B. Fischl. NeuroImage, 2011.

We plan to publish a more detailed description in the near future.

Thanks for using the longitudinal stream and let me know if you have any
questions. See you at HBM.

Best, Martin

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