
have a look at:
and also:

which itself has some links explaining the necessity for correcting for
multiple comparisons.  the newer qdec has the 'simulation' method for
correction built-in to it, which is superior to FDR for this kind of
analysis.  this simulation method calls the freesurfer utility
mri_glmfit-sim, described here:

in the cluster output data, 'Max' is maximum (log)p-value for that
cluster, VtxMax is the vertex where that max was found, NVtxs is the
number of vertices in that cluster.


On Tue, 2011-03-08 at 10:05 +0800, 汪贵宏 wrote:
> Hi,all:
>     I have several problems about the qdec in freesurfer 5.0.
> Firstly,can somebody explain the function of the buttons in the qdec's
> third step (display),such as Set using FDR in the False Discovery
> Rate ,Monte Carlo Null-Z simulation.If I just let these buttons as the
> default ,is it right ?
> Secondly, what does the "MAX" and "VtxMAX" and "NVtxs"mean just as
> follows,which is output from the teminal.
> Generating cluster stats using min threshold of 2...
> Found 5 clusters
> Contrast: 'rh-Diff-Yes-No-Intercept-thickness', 10fwhm, DOF: 21
> ClusterNo  Max   VtxMax  Size(mm2)   TalX   TalY   TalZ NVtxs
> Annotation
> ---------  ---   ------  ---------   ----   ----   ---- -----
> ----------
>     1   -3.4159    8928     51.50    31.9  -34.9   46.8  146
> postcentral
>     2   -2.6111  120796     42.30    30.5   -6.5  -32.9   79
> entorhinal
>     3   -2.5302  122287     22.28    35.4  -68.1   43.1   41
> inferiorparietal
>     4    2.3762  145773     21.24    40.3   22.6   20.6   46
> parsopercularis
>     5    2.1491   24852     19.94     4.8  -40.1   71.5   55
> paracentral
> ============================================================
> Thanks,
> Wang
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