Hi all,

We ran mri_surfcluster on our group data (we didn't do montecarlo
simulations), so we used our .mgh file.  We used the -ocn flag to make an
output file so we could look at the specific clusters.  When we looked at
the data of the ocn file using tksurfer, the most significant cluster
wasn't visible at the .05 level (which is the min threshold we specified
in the mri_surfcluster). We tried playing with the threshold, but it was
the opposite of what we expected.  The most significant clusters
disappeared at the lowest threshold but the less significant ones appeared
even when we raised the threshold.  This happened when we ran the other
hemisphere as well.  Do you have any idea how to fix this?

we are using freesurfer v5
subjects_dir: cluster/manoach/milton/subjects

Our commands:

mri_surfcluster --in ./group_analysis/mct_lh/osgm/sig.mgh --hemi lh
--thmin 1.3 --thmax infinity --subject fsaverage --sum
./group_analysis/mct_lh/osgm/mst_v_mct.txt --ocn

tksurfer fsaverage lh inflated -overlay sig.cluster.p05.ocn.mgh

Thanks in advance!

Mandy Nagy
Freesurfer mailing list

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