This is not my understanding. It is completely dependent on the 
threshold used, which can be arbitrary. See Supplemental figure 7, page 
16 of this document:

This was the motivation for Smith & Nichols' TFCE:

On 02/22/2011 05:53 AM, Rafa x wrote:
> Dear Freesurfers,
> I have performed a permutation test with the command:
> mri_glmfit-sim --glmdir rh.fsgd_subj_gauss005 --sim mc-z 10000
> THRESHOLD csd --sim-sign pos --seed 1297708255
> And after that I have obtained the clusters with:
> mri_surfcluster --subject CNTRL_MCI_RAFA_average –mask
> rh.fsgd_subj_gauss005/mask.mgh --sum
> rh.fsgd_subj_gauss005/contrast/clustsum.txt --in
> rh.fsgd_subj_gauss005/contrast/sig.mgh --cwsig
> rh.fsgd_subj_gauss005/contrast/cwsig.mgh --vwsig
> rh.fsgd_subj_gauss005/contrast/vwsig.mgh --sign pos --csd
> rh.fsgd_subj_gauss005/csd/csd.j001-contrast.csd
> I’ve did it over the same dataset but with two different thresholds,
> THRESHOLD: 2.301 (pvalue=0.005) and 1.301 (pvalue=0.05). As far I know
> the cwsig.mgh resulting using the 1.3 threshold should be similar than
> the cwsig.mgh from the second thr, but with a more restrictive
> significative clusters (some coloured areas should disappear, in other
> words, clusters returned in the first case should be included in
> clusters returned by the 1.3 threshold). My results didn’t show that
> behaviour, some of the cwsig clusters can be contained in the other,
> but others don’t (see attached Figure). It is my reasoning correct? If
> so, why the images mismatching?
> Thank you all in advance.
> Rafa.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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