Hi Petra, you have mixed up a class with the level of a factor (an easy 
thing to do). From your FSGD, it looks like you would need 8 classes, 
each class would be a combination of a level from each factor. So one 
class would be control-male-adni, etc. Once you have a proper FSGD file, 
FreeSurfer will create the proper design matrix. After you looked at the 
FSGD examples on the wiki? Do a search for FSGD, and they will pop up.


Habets P (SP) wrote:
> I want to run a GLM DODS in Freesurfer to test whether patients differ 
> from controls with regard to cortical thickness, meanwhile I want to 
> control for several variables, both discrete as continues.
> This is my manually made fsgd file
> GroupDescriptorFile 1
> Title fsgd pat con.txt
> MeasurementName Cortical Thickness
> Class controls
> Class patients
> Class female
> Class male
> Class mdeft
> Class adni
> Variables Age Education Handedness
> input C002 controls female mdeft 27 6 100
> input C003 controls male mdeft 46 5 -89.47368622
> input C004 controls female mdeft 43 4 100
> input P001 patients male mdeft 32 7 -100
> input P003 patients male mdeft 26 6 100
> input P004 patients female mdeft 19 6 60
> The problem I have is how to specify contrasts, on the Freesurfer 
> website I found that :
> For DODS, the number of regressors is Nc*(Nv+1)
> In my case that would be 6* (3+1) = 24
> Would the contrast than be:
> 1 -1 and 22 zero’s
> Does Freesurfer automatically create the correct design matrix using 
> the fsgd file? Because it is not clear to me how I should create the 
> design matrix with some discrete variables as confounders.
> Bw Petra Habets
> * *
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Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
Phone Number: 617-724-2358 
Fax: 617-726-7422

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