Chindhuri Selvadurai wrote:
> Dear Doug,
> Thanks for your response!
> Our stimuli starts with the null condition, but abblocked assumes it's the
> ON condition. Is there a way to invert this?
No, not currently, though you can tell tkmedit/tksurfer to invert the 
color scale. Or you can do it by hand by multiplying the image by -1 
(with fscalc).
> When we look at the sig maps, how do we know what the contrast is? Which
> condition does it think is null/task, negative/positive? From what I
> understand from your first e-mail, this is the opposite of what we want.
> I tried looking at the surface-based analysis using tksurfer, but since
> there is no constrast file for abblocked, I specified all contrasts, but
> how do you differentiate if you have more than one?
> tksurfer-sess -s PBMST08 -hemi -lh -analysis mandy_mst_v_mct_lh -call
You can just specify "-c fund" etc.

> I think perhaps it would be better for us to switch to the block design to
> make things "simpler"?
> Thanks!!
> Chindhuri
>> sfa-sess is depricated now (should not even be in there). Use
>> selxavg3-sess.
>> doug
>> Chindhuri Selvadurai wrote:
>>> Hi Doug,
>>> For some reason, our mkanalysis-sess command only created an
>>> file and not a .cfg file, so we can't run the abblocked
>>> analysis using sfa-sess.  Do you know what might cause this?
>>> We are using:
>>> freesurfer v5
>>> our subjects directory: /cluster/manoach/milton/subjects
>>> command that was run:
>>> mkanalysis-sess -analysis mandy_mst_v_mct_lh -TR 3 -fwhm 8 -abblocked 30
>>> -runlistfile task -surface fsaverage lh
>>> output that was given:
>>> # FSBUILD freesurfer-Linux-centos4_x86_64-stable-v5.1.0-20110202
>>> # MKAVERSION $Id: mkanalysis-sess,v 2011/01/18 17:08:22 greve
>>> Exp $
>>> # MKACMD /usr/local/freesurfer/stable5/fsfast/bin/mkanalysis-sess
>>> -analysis mandy_mst_v_mct_lh -TR 3 -fwhm 8 -abblocked 30 -runlistfile
>>> task
>>> -surface fsaverage lh
>>> # DATE Fri Feb  4 14:36:01 EST 2011
>>> analysis mandy_mst_v_mct_lh
>>> mcstem fmcpr
>>> fsd bold
>>> runlistfile task
>>> TR 3
>>> RegDOF 6
>>> RawSpace surface fsaverage lh
>>> mask brain
>>> RawFWHM 8
>>> RawSTC none
>>> inorm 100
>>> acfbins 0
>>> fixacf  1
>>> acffwhm 20
>>> acfsvd  0
>>> designtype abblocked
>>> nskip 0
>>> polyfit 2
>>> HPFCutoffHz 0
>>> period 30
>>>> The contrasts are going to be created automatically. These will be:
>>>> fund
>>> - stands for "fundamental" - this is the F-test of the sine and cosine
>>> components, probably what you want
>>>> fund-sin -- t-test of the sine component (this may also be useful)
>>> fund-cos -- t-test of the cosine component (think of this like the
>>> derivative when you assume a shape)
>>>> harm -- F test on the harmonics (probably not too useful)
>>>> It is going to assume that the first condition is ON. This does not
>>> matter for the F-tests above, but will affect the sign of the sine
>>> component.
>>>> doug
>>>> Chindhuri Selvadurai wrote:
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> We are trying to set up the analysis for a periodic design alternating
>>> between 30s rest and 30s active condition.  Because abblocked doesn't
>>> require a paradigm file, how do we specify which condition comes first
>>> (rest or active)?  We understand that abblocked expects that the
>>> conditions will be alternating.
>>>>> Also, how do we set up the -a and -c weighting conditions if we are
>>> using
>>>>> abblocked, since it doesn't have a paradigm file?  How do we specify
>>> the
>>>>> arguments for this command?  Should we instead be using the -ncond and
>>> -wcond commands?
>>>>> Best,
>>>>> Chindhuri Selvadurai
>>>>> Psychiatric Neuroimaging, Manoach Lab
>>>>> Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, MGH
>>>>> Phone: (617)726-0307
>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>> Freesurfer mailing list
>>>> --
>>>> Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
>>>> MGH-NMR Center
>>>> Phone Number: 617-724-2358
>>>> Fax: 617-726-7422
>>>> Bugs:
>>>> FileDrop:
>>> Best,
>>> Chindhuri Selvadurai
>>> Psychiatric Neuroimaging, Manoach Lab
>>> Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, MGH
>>> Phone: (617)726-0307
>> --
>> Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
>> MGH-NMR Center
>> Phone Number: 617-724-2358
>> Fax: 617-726-7422
>> Bugs:
>> FileDrop:
> Best,
> Chindhuri Selvadurai
> Psychiatric Neuroimaging, Manoach Lab
> Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, MGH
> Phone: (617)726-0307

Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
Phone Number: 617-724-2358 
Fax: 617-726-7422


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