I guess you could use the ribbon.mgz and mask it with various labels in 
the aparc+aseg.mgz

On Wed, 29 Dec 2010, FIDEL ALFARO ALMAGRO wrote:

> Hello experts,
> After several days of trying, I have accomplished to get what you thought
> I was asking for. Unfortunately I was not asking for that.
> First, I have to say that there is no --lobes option in
> mri_annotation2label (It is not documented, and if you try it, nothing
> happens).
> Then I ran these commands:
> [1] mri_annotation2label --subject XXX --hemi rh --outdir
> ../subjects/XXX/tmp/ --annotation lobes
> [2] mri_label2vol --label ../subjects/XXX/rh.temporal.label --subject XXX
> --o test.nii --temp ../subjects/XXX/mri/orig.mgz --identity
> I have seen that what I get in test.nii is a volume with the segmentation
> of the border between the white matter and grey matter in the temporal
> lobe. I am afraid I was not clear enough, as I was looking for a volume
> with the segmentation of the grey matter of the temporal lobe. I have
> tried changing the parameters in the first command, but it does not seem
> to work.
> Does anybody know how can I do this?
> Thanks in advance.
> Fidel.
>> Thank you very much for the quick answer and happy holidays.
>>> Forwarding a previous answer from doug. I tried it before (and
>>> recently). It does seem to work.
>>>>>> Try running mri_annotation2label with --lobes lh.lobes.annot
>>>>>> doug
>>>>>> On Thu, 20 May 2010, Rudolph Pienaar wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi all --
>>>>>>> Is there a simple way to create an annotation for
>>>>>>> frontal/temporal/occipital/parietal lobes based off the ?
>>>>>>> h.aparc.annot
>>>>>>> files in a FS 'label' dir? Ideally speaking, I'd like to have a
>>>>>>> ?h.lobar.annot with corresponding lobar.annot.ctab.
>>>>>>> Apologies if this question has come up before... a quick google
>>>>>>> didn't
>>>>>>> reveal anything.
>>>>>>> Many thanks
>>>>>>> -=R
>>> On Dec 24, 2010, at 10:39 AM, FIDEL ALFARO ALMAGRO wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I am trying to obtain a segmentation of the cortex to get the
>>>> different
>>>> lobes (specifically, the temporal lobe). I have read (via google) that
>>>> someone asked that before in this mailing list, but the answer was
>>>> old and
>>>> not very clear, so I guessed this program was the solution.
>>>> So... Is there any tool in the freesurfer suite to allow me to get a
>>>> segmentation of the different lobes of the brain?
>>>> Thanks.
>>>>> Hi Fidel,
>>>>> that is deprecated code. What are you trying to do?
>>>>> cheers (and happy holidays)
>>>>> Bruce
>>>>> On Fri, 24 Dec 2010,
>>>>>> Happy holidays for those who celebrate it today,
>>>>>> Hi. Is there any documentation on how to use mri_mark_temporal_lobe
>>>>>> application and what is its output? I cannot find any.
>>>>>> Thanks in advance.
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