Hmmm, not sure what's going on with that. Can you verify that the 
registration is correct in the v5 results? The only other thing that I 
can think of is that the whitening may be a bit different between 4.5 
and 5.0. Try turning off the whitening in v5 (-no-whiten when running 


Katie Bettencourt wrote:
> I was attempting to run an analysis that was previously done in 
> freesurfer 4.5 in version 5 to see if I cuold switch over to the new 
> version.  However, I am getting very different results for the two 
> versions.  Below are the commands I ran in both and attached are 
> pictures of the differences.  I get much much less activation (and 
> much less than expected)  when using version 5.  I assume this is 
> because I've done something wrong with the way I set up my version 5 
> analysis, but I don't knwo what it is.  Any help would be appreciated.
> version 5:
> mkanalysis-sess -analysis supIPS-gamma-5rh -TR 1.5 -paradigm 
> supIPS.dat -event-related -runlistfile supIPSruns.txt -nskip 2 
> -nconditions 6 -gammafit 2.25 1.25  -surface self rh -fwhm 0 
> -refeventdur 6
> mkcontrast-sess -analysis supIPS-gamma-5rh -contrast act_vs_fix -a 1 
> -a 2 -a 3 -a 4 -a 5 -c 0
> selxavg3-sess -s 101103TM_supIPS -df supIPS.dir -analysis supIPS-gamma-5rh
> tksurfer-sess -s 101103TM_supIPS -a supIPS-gamma-5rh-c act_vs_fix -df 
> supIPS.dir
> version 4.5
> mkanalysis-sess -analysis supIPS-gamma -TR 1.5 -paradigm supIPS.dat 
> -designtype event-related -funcstem fmc -motioncor -runlistfile 
> supIPSruns.txt -inorm -tpexclude tpexclude.dat -nconditions 6 
> -gammafit 2.25 1.25 -noautostimdur
> mkcontrast-sess -analysis supIPS-gamma -contrast act_vs_fix -a 1 -a 2 
> -a 3 -a 4 -a 5 -c 0
> tksurfer-sess -s 101103TM_supIPS -df supIPS.dir -a supIPS-gamma -c 
> act_vs_fix -hemi rh
> Katie
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
Phone Number: 617-724-2358 
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