Unfortunately no. I'll put that on my list and target it for the next
On 11/17/10 9:42 AM, Marco Loggia wrote:
Dear all,
I am trying to use the 3D view in freeview to prepare some figures,
and would like to be able to rotate the volume along one axis only
(e.g., yaw).
Is there a way to constrain the rotation with the mouse, and/or to
enter the numerical value of parameters such as azimuth and elevation?
Marco L. Loggia, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow, MassGeneralHospital& Brigham and Women's Hospital
CNYBuilding 120, suite101E
Charlestown, Massachusetts02129
Phone: (617) 643-7267
Fax: (617) 643-7340 ma...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
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