It sounds like it is set up correctly. If you want a single map of the 
activation, you'll have to set up a proper contrast to do it. In 
mkcontrast-sess you can simply use -sumdelays; this will create a map 
based on the summation of the delays in the FIR. You can also choose a 
time point in the FIR with -sumdelays -setwdelays. It will prompt you 
for a list of N numbers (N being the number of points in the FIR 
window). You can give is something like 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 to extract 
time point 5. I usually recommend -sumdelays.


Katie Bettencourt wrote:
> Ok, so looking at the FIR analysis, when I advance it to time point 5, 
> I see my activation (yay!) but does this mean my timewindow, etc is 
> set up wrong, or is this just something you have to do when you do a 
> FIR analysis?
> Katie
> On Wed, Nov 3, 2010 at 7:05 PM, Douglas N Greve 
> < <>> wrote:
>     The FIR does not assume a shape to the HRF but fits each point
>     within the given time window. You might not be seeing activation
>     for several reasons. FIRs are much less efficient than gamma
>     functions. Also, by default, the FIR analysis gives you a sig map
>     at each time point in the FIR, so you might be looking at the
>     activation 1.5 sec *before* stimulus onset (so it would be a good
>     thing not to see any activation!). Try advancing the time point
>     from the overlay config window.
>     You can see the map from the gamma and the timecourse from the FIR
>     with something like
>     tksurfer-sess -analysis fir-analysis -map-analysis gamma-analysis ...
>     I'm not sure about the diffs with version 3. Why are you using
>     such an old version?
>     doug
>     Katie Bettencourt wrote:
>         Hi all,
>         I've been trying to analyses both an event related and block
>         design experiments and have noticed a couple things that are
>         confusing me and I would appreciate any help anyone could give me.
>         1.  In trying do the event-related analysis, I'm am a bit
>         confused by the FIR vs Gamma analysis and the use of the time
>         window and tprestim in the FIR analysis.  I have an experiment
>         with 6 set size conditions and 1 fixation condition.  each
>         trial is 6s long with a TR of 1.5
>         I have run both of these commands:
> -analysis supIPS_loc -TR 1.5 -paradigm
>         supIPS.dat -designtype event-related -funcstem fmc -motioncor
>         -runlistfile supIPSruns.txt -inorm -nskip 2 -nconditions 6
>         -gammafit 2.25 1.25
> -analysis supIPS_loc -TR 1.5 -paradigm
>         supIPS.dat -designtype event-related -funcstem fmc -motioncor
>         -runlistfile supIPSruns.txt -inorm -nskip 2 -nconditions 6
>         -tprestim 2 -timewindow 20
>         The FIR gives me a time course window, which makes me think
>         that perhaps that is the one I want to use, but it shows very
>         little activation.  This data has been previously analyzed in
>         Brain Voyager, so I know it's not a case of the conditions not
>         actually causing activation, but for some reason, the FIR
>         analysis doesn't show any.  I'm not sure if this is due to a
>         bad time window/tprestim settings, or something else.  However
>         the gamma fit analysis shows a bunch of activity where I
>         expect to see it, but no time course window.  (attached are
>         pngs of the differences for the act_vs_fixation comparison).
>         2.  In addition, in both the event related (gamma) and a
>         normal block design (different experiment) I get very
>         different results (at least for certain comparisons) depending
>         on whether I use selxavg-sess (with stxgrinder-sess for each
>         contrast) or selxavg3-sess.  The differences are shown in the
>         attached pngs (act_vs_fix-gamma.png (which is the selxavg-sess
>         and stxgrinder-sess analysis and act_vs_fix-gamma-selxavg3).
>          In the block design, both selxavg3 and selxavg (+stxgrinder)
>         give me very similar activation when comparing two non-null
>         conditions (ie. shape_vs_noise) but very different (and
>         similar to the differences in the attached pictures)
>         activations when comparing against the null (ie shape_vs_fix
>         or noise_vs_fix).  What am I doing wrong here?
>         Thanks for your help!
>         Katie
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Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
Phone Number: 617-724-2358 
Fax: 617-726-7422


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