Hi Marco, I'm copying the list on this because this is a good question 
about an aspect that is not well documented.

The answer to the question has to do with the sign of the test. By 
default, mri_glmfit produces p-values that are for unsigned tests. The 
p-value for a signed test if half that of the signed test (ie, it is 
more significant). When the p-value is expressed as -log10(p), then the 
signed test will be 0.301 higher than the unsigned test. Eg, if you have 
a p-value of .01, the value in the sig.mgh file will be 2.0, but for a 
signed test it would be .005, making the value in the sig.mgh file 2.3.

When you run mri_glmfit-sim and specify a signed test (ie, --sim-sign 
pos or --sim-sign neg), it lowers the threshold to account for this. So 
below you specified 1.3 as the threshold and --sim-sign pos, so it 
lowered the threshold to 1.0.

hope this is clear


Marco Loggia, PhD wrote:
> Sorry Doug, 
> Below are directory and command line. Also attached is a screenshot showing
> a vertex located on a significant cluster, but below threshold in the
> sig.mgh.
> Thanks!
> Marco
> dir=/autofs/cluster/randy/2/lbp/freesurfer/patients+controls/analyses/lh.lbp
> +ctrl.session1.asl2-asl1_30sept10_sm7_03mm_masked_projfrac-max_P=0.05.glmdir
> /lbp_only_24sept10
> pbsubmit -c "mri_glmfit-sim --glmdir
> lh.lbp+ctrl.session1.asl2-asl1_30sept10_sm7_03mm_masked_projfrac-max_P=0.05.
> glmdir
> --sim perm 10000 1.30103 perm.positive --sim-sign pos --overwrite"
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Douglas N Greve [mailto:gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu] 
> Sent: Monday, October 18, 2010 10:34 AM
> To: Marco Loggia, PhD
> Subject: Re: montecarlo
> Hi Marco, can you send the command-line and directory that you ran it 
> from? In general, it is always a good idea to send this ...
> doug
> Marco Loggia, PhD wrote:
>> Hello Doug,
>> I have one question about the montecarlo simulation.
>> When I compare the mc-z.positive.sig.cluster.mgh and the 
>> mc-z.positive.sig.masked.mgh, I notice that the significant clusters 
>> include also some vertices that are below the cluster forming 
>> threshold. Is this normal? Why is that?
>> Thanks,
>> Marco
>> _____________________
>> Marco L. Loggia, PhD
>> Postdoctoral Fellow, Mass General Hospital & Brigham and Women's Hospital
>> Harvard Medical School
>> CNY Building 120, suite 101E
>> Charlestown, Massachusetts 02129
>> Phone: (617) 643-7267
>> Fax: (617) 643-7340 ma...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
Phone Number: 617-724-2358 
Fax: 617-726-7422

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