The problem is in the surf2surf step implemented inside vol2surf. You'll 
need to do it in two steps. First, vol2surf to the native surface, then 
surf2surf to fsaverage but specifying --mapmethod nnf


ythomas wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to sample a volume of integers in subject's anatomical  
> space to fsaverage surf. However, the output does not seem to be  
> integer valued anymore even though I specify nearest neighbor for  
> interpolation type.
> I tried both stable4 and the dev version and used the following command:
> mri_vol2surf --regheader 090425_QF86JB_FS --mov /autofs/cluster/ 
> con_003/users/ythomas/test_mri_vol2surf/090425_QF86JB_FS/data/ 
> 090425_QF86JB_vol2vol.nii.gz --hemi lh --projfrac  .5 --trgsubject  
> fsaverage --o /autofs/cluster/con_003/users/ythomas/test_mri_vol2surf/ 
> 090425_QF86JB_FS/data/lh.090425_QF86JB_vol2surf.nii.gz --reshape -- 
> interp nearest
> You can replicate the results, by going to
> /autofs/cluster/con_003/users/ythomas/test_mri_vol2surf/
> and running "test_script.csh"
> Interestingly, if I replace "fsaverage" in the trgsubject with the  
> subject as the trgsubject (projection onto the same subject's  
> surface), the output remained integer valued. I am not sure how  
> mri_vol2surf works, but perhaps the step from the subject's surface to  
> the fsaverage's surface is messed up?
> Thanks,
> Thomas
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Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
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