
I'm going to analyze the functional data.
By now I finished reconstruction of anatomical data and maiking hierarchy,
mc-sess,spatialsmooth-sess,inorm-sess,mkanalysis-sess and fslregister.

But selxavg-sess output following ERROR.
please tell me about -ipr.


ke...@localhost[retino1] % mkanalysis-sess.new -analysis retino -TR 2
-paradigm para.para -designtype blocked -funcstem fmcs -nconditions 4
-timewindow 34 -motioncor -inorm -gammafit 2.25 1.25 -polyfit 2 -mcextreg
Completed successfully

ke...@localhost[retino1] % selxavg-sess -analysis retino -s sekiguchi001 -df
sessdirfile -noomnibus INFO: WhitenFlag = 0
selxavg-sess logfile is
2010年  7月  8日 木曜日 11:22:51 JST
INFO (sekiguchi001): RunList = 001 002 003 004
selxavg2 -TR 2 -parname para.para -o retino/h -i 001/fmcs -i 002/fmcs -i
003/fmcs -i 004/fmcs -cfg
/home/kenta/data/sessions/retino1/retino/analysis.cfg -ipr
--- Parsing Config File:
/home/kenta/data/sessions/retino1/retino/analysis.cfg ----
-gammafit 2.25 1.25 -timewindow 34 -prestim 0 -polyfit 2 -TER 2 -nskip 0
-fwhm 0 -extreg mcextreg -nextreg 3 -rescale 1000
ERROR: flag -ipr requires one argument
ERROR (/home/kenta/data/sessions/retino1/sekiguchi001): selxavg failed
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