Hi Christopher,

the values in wmparc.stats are computed with partial volume correction.


On Wed, 12 May 2010, Christopher Coello wrote:


After segmenting using recon-all –all, I want to look at how much voxels
there is in each segmented structure.

I did the following procedure : I opened the wmparc.mgz volume with 3DSlicer
as a label volume and computed the LabelStatistics.

For the label 1005 (ctx-lh-cuneus), the count value is 3133. But in the
wmparc.stats, the numVox in front of the label 1005 is 2729. This difference
exists for many of the segmented structures.

To double check, I also opened the wmparc.mgz with Matlab to count the
number of voxels labeled 1005 in the volume, and I do find 3133.

Am I comparing 2 different values ? Or is there a bug in the writing of the
wmparc.stats ?

Best regards,

Christopher Coello,

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Center for Diagnostic Imaging,

Akershus University Hospital,

Sykehusveien 25, 1478 Lørenskøg

tel : +4745154516

e-mail : christopher.coe...@medisin.uio.no

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