
you could try including average cortical thickness over the entire
> hemisphere as a covariate. This was Mike Harms' suggestion, and I think a
> good one.

why is it a good one? for cortical thickness: i'm not so sure. my 2 cents
(and i may be wrong!):
- controlling for intracranial volume is done to remove differences due to
overall size variability.
- the relationship between thickness and size is much less strong than
between volume and size (or surface and size).
- suppose your groups differ in mean thickness, if you would like to include
mean thickness as a covariate in a mapping study (vertex-wise comparisons)
of cortical thickness you would have to show that the group-difference in
mean thickness is due to an effect that's spread out over the whole cortex
(an overall effect, not localized), otherwise the mean thickness covariate
is not a good estimator of the overall size factor that you'd like to

check Peter Kochunov's recent publications on this.


> Bruce
> On Thu, 8 Apr 2010, Liukarl wrote:
>> Hello, Freesurfer experts:
>> I noticed for analyzing the results from autorecon2, the intracranial
>> volume are controlled as covariate in some publications. Is there any
>> corresponding covariate for cortical results from autorecon3, cortical
>> thickness, surface, and volume?
>> In my current study, there are two group: one is a group with less optimal
>> developmental environment and the other is control. I noticed that without
>> any covariate, the r square from cortical measure and group variable was
>> really low, only accounting for 2%. Is any standard way to analyze the
>> cortical data?
>> Thanks!
>> Karl
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