Hi Doug,

I was running Freesurfer's retinotopic mapping command
(sfa-sess<http://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/sfa-sess>-a rtopy
-s) with only polar angle data. An error was returned saying that
it expects eccentricity data. Someone else posted this question last
December and you replied and said that one can "fool" the program by copying
the polar data into eccen folder. What do you mean exactly by that? Should I
copy the bold directory (e.g., 002) that contains the polar data into
another run (e.g., 003), and modify the paradigm file (stimtype eccen)? But
would that lead to incorrect interpretation by the program? Thanks for your

Yuhong Vanessa Jiang, PhD,
Department of Psychology, Univ of Minnesota
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