
I've been trying to use mri_convert
(freesurfer-Darwin-tiger-stable-pub-v3.0.3) to reconstruct images from our
Siemens Magnetom Trio. When I type:

mri_convert -it siemens_dicom -ot analyze4d DB_A0A1_318.MR.BECK-PAIGE_
A0A1_INHABITION.0003.0001.2010. Block1.img

DB*.IMA and Block1.img are the input and output files respectively, I get
the  output detailed below (the salient error seems to be that mri_convert
can't find a useful transformation matrix).

Can you tell me what I can do to correct this problem?
Many thanks in advance,

Paige Scalf

mri_convert -it siemens_dicom -ot analyze4d
reading from
Getting Series No
Scanning Directory
INFO: Found 111 files in /Volumes/dubois/A0A1inhibition/DB_A0A1_318/Block1
INFO: Scanning for Series Number 3
INFO: found 107 files in series
INFO: loading series header info.

INFO: sorting.
RunNo = 2
INFO: (120 110  50), nframes = 107, ismosaic=1
ERROR: incorreclty formatted version string syngo MR B17
found in dicom tag 18,1020 (len = 3 != 6)
Numaris Version: syngo MR B17 Maj = 0, Min=-1073775504, MinMin = 0
mojo:/Volumes/dubois/A0A1inhibition/DB_A0A1_318/Block1 paige$ mri_convert
-it dicom -ot analyze4d
mri_convert -it dicom -ot analyze4d
reading from
Getting Series No
Scanning Directory
INFO: Found 111 files in /Volumes/dubois/A0A1inhibition/DB_A0A1_318/Block1
INFO: Scanning for Series Number 3
INFO: found 107 files in series
INFO: loading series header info.

INFO: sorting.
RunNo = 2
INFO: (120 110  50), nframes = 107, ismosaic=1
ERROR: incorreclty formatted version string syngo MR B17
found in dicom tag 18,1020 (len = 3 != 6)
Numaris Version: syngo MR B17 Maj = -1073770984, Min=22021328, MinMin =
107 DICOM 3.0 files in list
Found 107 DICOM Files
WARNING: NumberOfFrames 0 != Found Count of slices 107.
reading DICOM image...
DICOM meta-header

file name
Date and time
        study date              20100318
        study time              160300.312000
        series time             162802.453000
        acquisition time        162802.453000
        patient name            DB_A0A1_318
        manufacturer            SIEMENS
        number of rows          880
        number of columns       960
        number of frames        107
        pixel width             2.13333
        pixel height            2.13333
        slice thickness         2.1
        field of view           1877.33
        image number            1 (might be not reliable)
        transfer syntax UID     1.2.840.10008.1.2.1
Acquisition parameters
        echo time               25
        repetition time         3000
        inversion time          not found
        echo number             1
        flip angle              1.5708
        bits allocated          16
Spatial information
        first image position    -1027.46 -12.1727 952.833
        last image position     -1027.46 -12.1727 952.833
        image orientation       1 0 0 0 -0.00174528 -0.999998

TR=3000.00, TE=25.00, TI=0.00, flip angle=90.00
i_ras = (-1, -0, 0)
j_ras = (-0, 0.00174528, -0.999999)
k_ras = (nan, nan, nan)
Reslicing using trilinear interpolation
MRIresample(): error inverting matrix; determinant is nan, matrix is:
-2.133  -0.000  nan  nan;
-0.000   0.004  nan  nan;
 0.000  -2.133  nan  nan;
 0.000   0.000   0.000   1.000;
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