Dear Bruce and All,

       In my *View--Configure*....there are three button which are activated
(*Light, caption and phase Encoded Dat Display*), without "*functional
overlay*" option.
       And in these activated buttons: light(light 0,...,light 3, with the
value, 0.4, 0.0, 0.6, 0.2. and brightness: 0.35). In the option of *phase
Encoded Dat Display *(*Angle Cycles:1.0; Angle offset: 0.0*)

       I just use *File--load overlay*  then choose that **.volume* file to
show that volume. And in the terminal there are error information:Couldn't
load *.volume, Vset_read_vertex_set:MRISreadVertexposition failed.

      Thanks a lot for your help!


2010/2/2, Bruce Fischl <>:
> have you tried changing the threshold in configure->functional overlay?
> What kind of values do you see?
> On Tue, 2 Feb 2010, keepmoon wrote:
>  Dear all experters,
>>       First I am appreciated for the help of Bruce.
>> I tried to following his instruction, but I still have some problem and  I
>> can't show any result on the flated surface. I don't know whether my
>> method
>> to calculate the volume is wrong or I display it wrongly. Expecting
>> someone
>> gives me a struction again!
>>       My method is: using *read_curv* function to read*
>> lh.thickness* and*lh.area
>> *. Then the matrix of thickness product the matrix of area getting a new
>> matrix. Then using *write_curv* function to write this new matrix into a
>> *.volume. I think this volume file should be the grey volume image. (I am
>> not sure about this process)
>>      And now I want to show this volume on a flated lh hemispere (using
>> tksurfer), But when I overlay this volume onto inflated surface, there is
>> not anything overlay on this surface? (this matrix is not all with 0. )
>>      Anywhere am I wrong?
>>     Any instruction will be appriciated!
>>      Joe
>> 2010/2/1, keepmoon <>:
>>> Dear developer,
>>>     I want to compare the grey matter volume by VBM to cortical thickness
>>> by freesurfer. But in this process, I meet a problem: how to change the
>>> points number of grey matter into the same with the vertex of thickness
>>> by
>>> freesurfer?
>>>      Any help will be appreciated!
>>>      Best regards
>>> Joe
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