actually none of them are transformed to MNI coords. They are all in 
original (scanner) coords
On Mon, 1 Feb 2010, leemon albert wrote:

> Hey, thanks for your prompt reply.
> One more question, in subject/mri folder, only the Orig.mgz and  T1.mgz
> adjust the AC-PC alignment of the image to be closer to MNI orientation.
> Because after the step of skullstrip, all volume use another origin. Is it
> right?
> On Mon, Feb 1, 2010 at 10:35 AM, Bruce Fischl 
> <>wrote:
>> Hi Meng,
>> no, we usually provide gray matter volumes, thicknesses and surface areas
>> using the surfaces (although we do explicitly provide a voxel labeling in
>> the aseg.mgz). It should all be reported in the various files in the stats
>> dir.
>> cheers
>> Bruce
>> On Mon, 1 Feb 2010, leemon albert wrote:
>>  Hey, all
>>> Whether the FS only segment the white matter volume (WM - mri/wm) by
>>> default
>>> . How about the GM?  If I want to get GM volume, is it a right way to use
>>> brain.mgz to subtract the wm.mgz?
>>> Best Wishes,
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