Hi Ron,

we do use the talairach for things like estimating icv, so that would 
concern me a bit. I don't think there is a straightforward way to insert 
the skull stripped image into our stream though. Maybe Nick has a better 

On Thu, 28 Jan 2010, 
Pierson, Ronald K wrote:

> We have a large number of scans with excellent, visually inspected and
> manually trimmed brain masks, so we would like to use these masks to
> assist the FreeSurfer processing.  One way we have experimented with to
> achieve this is to clip the T1 to remove anything non-brain before
> importing it into the subject directory.  In using brain-clipped T1
> images as a starting point for FreeSurfer we notice that the Talairach
> transform checking is quite far off, scaled badly and rotated downward
> 10+ degrees in pitch.  I assume that this is due to the lack of
> similarity to the moving image, which includes skull.  However, even if
> we don't modify this transform, the final parcellation looks quite good,
> and very, very similar to that from using a standard, non-clipped T1 as
> input.  Is there any reason not to use a clipped T1 as input into
> FreeSurfer?  Is the Talairach-based information used for segmentation or
> parcellation, and are we potentially creating problems?  Or would it be
> better to simply use our mask to trim up the images after autorecon1
> (coregistering them into the same image space and clipping them with a
> custom routine)?
> Ron Pierson
> Department of Psychiatry
> Carver College of Medicine
> W-278 GH, 200 Hawkins Dr
> Iowa City, IA 52242
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