The following mis-feature highlighted by Nathan is fixed and the fixes are available from the following location. Replacing your existing aseg/aparcstats2table is highly recommended. Please copy the files to your $FREESURFER_HOME/bin/ ( if you want to be safe, backup your existing 3 files ) These files fix the issue that the order of the segs or parcellations in aseg.stats or ?h.aparc.stats is not maintained in the output table. ( Though the values in the table are right, the order is random ) Krish On 1/4/10 11:15 AM, Dankner, Nathan (NIH/NIMH) [F] wrote: > Hi All, > > I just started using version 4.5, and when I use aparcstats2table to create a > table the structures are being listed in a strange order. The ?h.aparc.stats > file itself has them in the order in which they were in previous versions > (essentially alphabetical except for frontal pole), but for whatever reason > when made into a .txt file with aparcs2statstable it seems to jumble them up > (but in a consistent way). Any ideas regarding how to get the program to > order them in the older standard way? > > > _______________________________________________ > Freesurfer mailing list > > > > _______________________________________________ Freesurfer mailing list