Hi Gerg,

the cortical volumes etc. should be reported in the stats file directory, 
or you can use mris_anatomical_stats directly for whole brain, or with -l 
<label> or -a <annot> file.

On Mon, 4 Jan 2010, Gergely Orsi wrote:

> Dear All,
> First of all, Happy New Year to you All!
> I'd like ask your help in one thing.
> We're doing morphometric analysis on 100+ subjects.
> I can get the subcortical volumes easily but I don't know how to get volume
> information of cortical
> structures. I saw in some slides that freesurfer makes cortical labeling
> also. Could
> any of you tell me how to get the volume of cortical structures? I'm
> interested in the volume of the entorhinal cortex, especially. Autorecon-all
> andrecon-all -s xxx -qcache were done on all subjects.
> Thx.
> Gerg?
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