
The invidual Freesurfer surface and thickness file can be loaded into
surfstat correctly. But the number of vertex  varied a bit among subjects in
Freesurfer. So when performing the surfstat analysis,  I always met the
error as follows. I am very curious how to fix it?
Thank you in advance.

avsurf = SurfStatAvSurf( filesboth );
36 x 2 files to read, % remaining: 100 ??? Error using ==> plus
Matrix dimensions must agree.

Error in ==> SurfStatAvSurf at 36

>> SurfStatReadSurf(filesboth(1,:))
ans =
      tri: [598010x3 int32]
    coord: [3x299009 double]
>> SurfStatReadSurf(filesboth(2,:))
ans =
      tri: [621056x3 int32]
    coord: [3x310532 double]
>> SurfStatReadSurf(filesboth(3,:))
ans =
      tri: [518412x3 int32]
    coord: [3x259210 double]

Best wishes,
Lab of Complex System and Artificial Intelligence,
Institute of Automation,Chinese Academy of Sciences(CASIA)
Beijing, 100190,P.R.CHINA
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