
I'm using 'mri_glmfit' with surface inputs. However, from subject to
subject, some vertices have zero-values. One solution is to use the 'prune'
flag to keep only non-zeros vertices across subjects. However, this solution
seems too conservative as too many vertices are discarded, producing
gruyère-like significance maps.

Is it possible to adopt a softer version of prune, i.e., only do the
inference on non-zeros frames, without including frames that have null
signal? In other words, this solution would consist in having different
degrees of freedom throughout the surface.



Julien Cohen-Adad, PhD
Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging
MGH, Harvard Medical School
149 Thirteen St, Charlestown, MA 02129, USA
Work: +1 617 724 2463 ; Cell: +1 857 544 6110 ; Fax: +1 617 726 1383
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