I tried this, but something is going wrong. Here's what I did:
1. I ran $ mri_binarize --i subjid/mri/aparc+asec.mgz --match xx --match 
yy --o lobe.mgz
- this produces a nice binary mask of, say, the left frontal lobe.
2. Then I ran $ mri_surf2vol --mkmask --surf pial --hemi lh --template 
lobe.mgz --identity subjid --o lobe_surface.mgz
- this produces a nice binary image of the pial surface, but it contains 
the whole surface, not only the intersection with lobe.mgz.
What am I doing wrong?


Douglas N Greve wrote:
> Use mri_surf2vol to create volumes. You can binarize aparc+aseg.mgz to 
> give a mask of an area (use --match), then take the intersection of the 
> mask with the surface-in-volume.
> doug
> Martin Ystad wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm working on a fractal dimension analysis of the pial- and 
>> white-matter surface. The matlab script that calculates the fractal 
>> dimension needs binary nifti-files as input. Since FreeSurfer creates 
>> the surfaces I need, here's what I want to do:
>> I'd like to convert the pial and white-matter surfaces (separately) to 
>> .nii-volumes (e.g. 256x256) where the voxels intersected by the 
>> respective surfaces are white, and everything else is black. 
>> Furthermore, I'd like to do this for individual subregions of each 
>> surface; for example only the precentral gyrus or the whole frontal 
>> lobe, so that only the voxels intersected by the surface belonging to 
>> the specific label I choose appear white, and everything else is black.
>> How do I get this output from FreeSurfer?
>> Thanks,
>> Martin Ystad
>> PhD-candidate,
>> University of Bergen, Norway
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