Hi -

Thanks for your help.

I have 3 groups and am trying to run an ANOVA and series of t-tests. 
First, I ran mri_glmfit with two rows in my .mat file (1 -1 0, 1 0 -1) 
for the ANOVA. Then, before I ran into this webpage 
https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/FsgdExamples, to do a follow 
up t-test between group 1 and group 2, I tried to mri_glmfit with a mat 
file of 1 -1 but it gave me an error because it was expecting any test 
to include all the subjects. So reran isxconcat-sess with subjects from 
just groups 1 and 2, and ran mri_glmfit with a mat file of 1 -1

Then I found the FSGD Examples webpage and realized I could perform all 
the tests in one command as long as I included a 0 in my mat file. So 
for the contrast  between groups 1 and 2, I made a mat/mtx file with 1 
-1 0.

My question is, why are my results from these two similar analyses very 
different from each other? There are many more activations in the 1 -1 0 
version than in the 1 -1 version and the activations that do exist are, 
for the most part, in different areas of the brain. Sorry to be ignorant 
of some of the statistics/analysis differences that are taking place 
here. I wondered why it was different and which was a more valid 
analysis. It seems like doing one analysis with all the tests is a 
better way to go then divided the data up, but I just wanted to check.

Thanks again for your help,

Below are the mri_glmfit commands I used

Directory PDSubsONLY = contains output of isxconcat-sess run on placebo 
and drug subjects only

Directoy Analysis_Results =  contains output of isxconcat-sess run all 3 
subjects groups

mri_glmfit --y PDSubsONLY_Results/RSF_v_NIF/tal.ces.nii --fsgd 
FSGD_Placebo_v_Drug.txt --C Placebo_v_Drug.mat --mask 
PDSubsONLY_Results/tal.mask.nii --glmdir 
Analysis_Results/tal.wrfx.RSF_v_NIF --nii --wls 

mri_glmfit --y Analysis_Results/RSF_v_NIF/tal.ces.nii --fsgd 
FSGD_Placebo_v_Drug_v_Control.txt --C mtx_files/placebo-drug.mtx --C 
mtx_files/placebo-control.mtx --C mtx_files/drug-control.mtx --C 
mtx_files/group_effect.mtx --C mt
x_files/placebo-drug+control.mtx --C mtx_files/placebo+drug-control.mtx 
--mask Analysis_Results/tal.mask.nii --glmdir 
Analysis_Results/tal.wrfx.RSF_v_NIF --nii --wls 

Placebo_v_Drug.mat = 1 -1

mtx_files/placebo-drug.mtx = 1 -1 0

FSGD_Placebo_v_Drug.txt  = contains only placebo and drug subjects

FSGD_Placebo_v_Drug_v_Control.txt   = contains placebo, drug and control 
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