No, Doug.  I think I was the only one mis-interpreting the FDR steps, 
and I'm considerably closer to the Caret source than the Freesurfer 
source. ;-)

On 10/19/2009 11:18 AM, Douglas N Greve wrote:
> I believe that the FreeSurfer version is also doing the right thing. 
> Do you have reason to believe otherwise?
> thanks
> doug
> Donna Dierker wrote:
>> Mike Harms tried to explain that to me, but I was missing how the 
>> resampling affected the i term. Thanks, Tom, for spelling it out for 
>> me. ;-)
>> Fortunately, John Harwell has less noise in his neural network than I 
>> do, so Caret does the right thing. (Just checked.)
>> On 10/17/2009 10:29 AM, Doug Greve wrote:
>>> Here's Tom Nichols explanation. He points out that you use the maximum
>>> i, not the minimum, so you don't have to get past i=1. Thanks Tom!
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> Date: Fri, 16 Oct 2009 23:11:09 +0100
>>> From: Thomas Nichols <>
>>> To: Doug Greve <>
>>> Cc: Donna Dierker <>
>>> Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] FDR correction (fwd)
>>> Dear Doug,
>>> Great discussion!  But I think it misses the point.  Can you forward 
>>> the
>>> following to the list?
>>> The Benjamini-Hochberg (BH) FDR procedure uses the inequality
>>>     P(i) <= i / V * q
>>> for the ordered P-values P(1)<=P(2)<=...<=P(V) and desired level-q FDR
>>> control, which suggests that one will never get significance unless
>>> P(1)<q/V, just like Bonferroni.  HOWEVER, the key element of BH-FDR 
>>> is that
>>> you get to search over i and find the *largest* P-value that 
>>> satisfies the
>>> inequality and use that P-value as a threshold.
>>> Hence when considering changing resolutions (i.e. increasing V, but
>>> increasing resolution/smoothness and roughly keeping the information 
>>> content
>>> of the images the same) the magic of BH-FDR is that if the 5-th %ile of
>>> uncorrected P-values is FDR-significant at one resolution, i.e.
>>>    i' = 0.05*V satisfies P( i' / V ) <= i' / V * q
>>> then one would expect that the 5-th %ile of P-values after 
>>> up-sampling would
>>> have a similar value, and thus would also satisfy the inequality 
>>> even though
>>> V has changed.
>>> That is the motivation that FDR is resilient to changes in resolution.
>>> However, I should note that in my own experience, leaving V fixed but
>>> changing smoothness, often changes the distribution of P-values
>>> dramatically, and thus changes the FDR result.  But that should be a
>>> different beast that up-interpolation.
>>> Hope this helps!
>>> -Tom
>>> On Fri, Oct 16, 2009 at 5:43 PM, Doug Greve 
>>> <>wrote:
>>>> Tom, here's an FDR question for you. It appears that the FDR
>>>> correction is dependent on the number of voxels (need p < fdr/N just
>>>> to get past i=1). Meaning that as N grows, the min p-value must also
>>>> shrink to get past i=1. Any way to get around this?
>>>> thanks
>>>> doug
>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>> Date: Fri, 16 Oct 2009 11:30:59 -0500
>>>> From: Donna Dierker <>
>>>> To: Michael Harms <>
>>>> Cc:, Yulia WORBE <>
>>>> Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] FDR correction
>>>> Regardless:  FDR's sensitivity appears resolution-dependent to me.
>>>> On 10/16/2009 10:39 AM, Michael Harms wrote:
>>>>> Interesting post Donna, but my understanding of FDR is that it 
>>>>> sets the
>>>>> p-value threshold based on the LARGEST p-value that satisfies the FDR
>>>>> relationship.
>>>>> That is, steps 3 and 4 in Genovese et al. (2002) are:
>>>>> 3) Let r be the largest i for which p <= i/V*q  (assuming c=1)
>>>>> 4) Threshold the image at the p-value p(r).
>>>>> So, it isn't the case that you require the most significant 
>>>>> p-value to
>>>>> satisfy p <= 0.05/V "just to get past i=1" as you put it in your 
>>>>> post.
>>>>> Rather, you pick the largest p-value that satisfies the relationship,
>>>>> meaning that lower (more-significant) p-values may not have 
>>>>> necessarily
>>>>> satisfied p <= i/V*q for their particular position in the sorted 
>>>>> list of
>>>>> p-values.
>>>>> cheers,
>>>>> Mike H.
>>>>> On Fri, 2009-10-16 at 10:13 -0500, Donna Dierker wrote:
>>>>>  I never heard anything on my post here, but it might just be high
>>>>>> surface resolution:
>>>>>> On 10/16/2009 09:58 AM, Michael Harms wrote:
>>>>>>  Your FDR analysis sounds correct.  You probably have a rather small
>>>>>>> number of "marginally" significant vertices, which is why none 
>>>>>>> survive
>>>>>>> FDR.  You could try increasing the "q" value from say 0.05 to 
>>>>>>> 0.1, in
>>>>>>> which case 10% of the surviving vertices would be expected to be 
>>>>>>> false
>>>>>>> positives.
>>>>>>> cheers,
>>>>>>> Mike H.
>>>>>>> On Fri, 2009-10-16 at 12:03 +0200, Yulia WORBE wrote:
>>>>>>>  Dear Freesurfer team,
>>>>>>>> We are currently doing a cortical thickness studies between a 
>>>>>>>> group of
>>>>>>>> psychiatric patients (n=60) and controls (n=30). We tested several
>>>>>>>> smoothing levels (15mm, 20mm, 25mm)
>>>>>>>> When setting an uncorrected threshold (such as p<0.005), we 
>>>>>>>> obtained
>>>>>>>> several regions of decreased thickness, which are consistent 
>>>>>>>> with the
>>>>>>>> pathology.
>>>>>>>> However, when trying to correct for multiple comparisons using FDR
>>>>>>>> ("Set Using FDR" button in qdec), the computed threshold is 
>>>>>>>> very high
>>>>>>>> (e.g. 4.3 for 20mm smoothing) and, obviously, no significant 
>>>>>>>> regions
>>>>>>>> are left.
>>>>>>>> Did we do anything wrong in the analysis ?
>>>>>>>> Thank you very much for your help,
>>>>>>>> Yulia

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