Hi everyone,

I am trying to salvage some images that were done with poor gray/white boundary contrasts. First, FreeSurfer includes an area of dura in the skull strip. I tried adjusting the watershed but it made no differences. FreeSurfer is subsequently unable to detect the gray/white boundary and labels the dura as cortex:


Looking at the raw images, the gray/white boundaries are faint but visible. Is there anything I can adjust to try to make this work with FreeSurfer?


Dana W. Moore, Ph.D.
Neuropsychology Fellow
Cornell Neuropsychology Service
Weill Medical College of Cornell University
New York Presbyterian Hospital
Department of Neurology & Neuroscience
428 East 72nd Street, Suite 500
New York, NY 10021
Phone: 212-746-2823
Fax: 212-746-5584
Email: dwm2...@med.cornell.edu

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