---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: QQ Liu <qqli...@gmail.com>
Date: 2009/9/10
Subject: About the workflow of cortical thickness measurement.
To: fis...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu

Hi Bruce,

     I want to do the cortical thickness measurement and I'm not sure the
workflow in FreeSurfer commands in detail, because I'm a new hand to do fMRI
processing and don't know anything about brain images before.

    Now for example, I have some subjects in two groups and there are 10
subjects in each group. I want to do the cortical thickness comparison
between them. Do the workflow as follows?

    First, I run the "recon-all -s subjid -all" for every subject(then that
needs 20times).
    Second, do group analysis with the thickness files?
Can I run the group analysis automatically?

    There are something I want to clearly know:
    What functions should I use to get the average thickness of each group?
    Is there a simple function to do the work automatically?
    Is there a function to plot the subjects as a dot in a image and a curve
to separate them?

I'm looking forward to your response. I much appreciate your help.

Thanks a lot.

Best wishes.

Q.Q Liu



Best wishes.

Q.Q Liu


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