Has anyone had a chance to take a further look at the output  
differences in using the -mprage option yet? (I'm still new at  
freesurfer and probably wouldn't know what to look for...)


Alexander Li Cohen
al...@npg.wustl.edu (WORK Email)
alexco...@gmail.com (Non-secure / rapid-response Email)
Petersen/Schlaggar Lab
Medical Scientist Training Program
Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine

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On Aug 27, 2009, at 8:41 AM, Bruce Fischl wrote:

> yes, I think it will probably help a bit for mprage scans.  
> Essentially it changes the default assumptions about noise and  
> contrast characteristics (it assumes more of both) and will help the  
> intensity normalization get a bit further out the thin white matter  
> strands. Try it and see what you think
> On Thu, 27 Aug 2009, Michael Harms wrote:
>> Is there any gain/benefit then by including this -mprage flag?  In  
>> what
>> circumstance is that flag to be used?
>> I'm still confused what the purpose of that flag is.
>> thanks,
>> Mike H.
>> On Thu, 2009-08-27 at 08:54 -0400, Bruce Fischl wrote:
>>> no, it's more agnostic. Optimized for both spgr and mprage (or  
>>> neither,
>>> depending on your perspective). You're probably right that mp-rage  
>>> is more
>>> common these days, but I think spgrs are still fairly widespread  
>>> on GE.
>>> On Thu, 27 Aug 2009, Michael Harms wrote:
>>>> So, are you saying that the default recon-all stream is really  
>>>> optimized
>>>> for SPGR, and anyone running a MPRAGE should be including the - 
>>>> mprage
>>>> flag when they run recon-all?  If so, this is news to me, and I  
>>>> suspect
>>>> many other FS users.
>>>> The default recon-all setting is "set IsMPRAGE = 0", but I  
>>>> suspect (just
>>>> a hunch, no data) that MPRAGE is the most commonly used type of  
>>>> input to
>>>> FS.
>>>> thanks for clarifying,
>>>> -Mike H.
>>>> On Wed, 2009-08-26 at 12:53 -0400, Bruce Fischl wrote:
>>>>> yes, that's true. The difference is between the SPGR and the MP- 
>>>>> RAGE. If we
>>>>> don't know which it is we have to try to figure out the contrast  
>>>>> and noise
>>>>> characteristics (spgr has worse contrast and less noise)
>>>>> On
>>>>> Wed, 26 Aug 2009, Michael Harms wrote:
>>>>>> Ok, now I'm confused again, because my understanding is that  
>>>>>> the Andre
>>>>>> van de Kouwe mprage, Siemen's default mprage, and the ADNI  
>>>>>> mprage really
>>>>>> are not very different in terms of their contrast.  Is that not  
>>>>>> correct?
>>>>>> Assuming they are indeed all similar, are you saying that a  
>>>>>> modern
>>>>>> "ADNI-like" mprage benefits from the inclusion of this -mprage  
>>>>>> flag?
>>>>>> thanks,
>>>>>> Mike H.
>>>>>> On Wed, 2009-08-26 at 12:18 -0400, Nick Schmansky wrote:
>>>>>>> There's also the flag   -mprage    which can be used, intended  
>>>>>>> for the
>>>>>>> mprage developed by Andre van de Kouwe, which I believe is the  
>>>>>>> same as
>>>>>>> that now used by Siemens.
>>>>>>> Nick
>>>>>>> On Wed, 2009-08-26 at 09:37 -0500, Michael Harms wrote:
>>>>>>>> No, our current "CAP" MPRAGE at WU on the 3T TimTrio is very  
>>>>>>>> similar to
>>>>>>>> the "ADNI" mprage, so that old flag shouldn't be used.
>>>>>>>> -MH
>>>>>>>> On Wed, 2009-08-26 at 09:24 -0500, Alexander Li Cohen wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Ah I see,
>>>>>>>>>  this raises a question then, of whether the optimizations  
>>>>>>>>> are still
>>>>>>>>> applicable to WU acquired MP-RAGE data, as we are currently  
>>>>>>>>> collecting
>>>>>>>>> 3T Trio data, and I believe Randy's data is 1.5T Vision  
>>>>>>>>> data, however
>>>>>>>>> the sequence (our CAP MP-RAGE) is quite similar... can  
>>>>>>>>> anyone up there
>>>>>>>>> speak to this?
>>>>>>>>> -Alex
>>>>>>>>> ~)-------------
>>>>>>>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>> Alexander Li Cohen
>>>>>>>>> al...@npg.wustl.edu (WORK Email)
>>>>>>>>> alexco...@gmail.com (Non-secure / rapid-response Email)
>>>>>>>>> Petersen/Schlaggar Lab
>>>>>>>>> Medical Scientist Training Program
>>>>>>>>> Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine
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>>>>>>>>> On Aug 26, 2009, at 8:41 AM, Bruce Fischl wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> yes, it was optimized for the mp-rages that Randy B used to  
>>>>>>>>>> collect
>>>>>>>>>> there, not for example ADNI.
>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, 25 Aug 2009, Michael Harms wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> I assume that that flag (-washu_mprage) is somewhat  
>>>>>>>>>>> antiquated,
>>>>>>>>>>> right?
>>>>>>>>>>> That is, it was included for an older set of scans  
>>>>>>>>>>> (generated at
>>>>>>>>>>> WashU
>>>>>>>>>>> generated years ago before Siemens had its own MPRAGE  
>>>>>>>>>>> sequence) that
>>>>>>>>>>> happened to have darker gray matter, and doesn't need to  
>>>>>>>>>>> be applied
>>>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>>> "modern" MPRAGE scans, correct?
>>>>>>>>>>> -MH
>>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, 2009-08-25 at 13:33 -0400, Nick Schmansky wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Alex,
>>>>>>>>>>>> The -washu_mprage flag affects mri_normalize and  
>>>>>>>>>>>> mri_segment.  It
>>>>>>>>>>>> adjusts the parameters of those binaries to match the  
>>>>>>>>>>>> assumed
>>>>>>>>>>>> intensity
>>>>>>>>>>>> profile in mprage scans, eg. to account for darker grey  
>>>>>>>>>>>> matter. I've
>>>>>>>>>>>> updated the help text in recon-all.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Nick
>>>>>>>>>>>>> As a side note, there appears to be a switch for recon- 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> all:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -washu_mprage : assume scan parameters are Wash.U. MP- 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> RAGE protocol
>>>>>>>>>>>>> yet there is no documentation as to what this  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> determines, nor
>>>>>>>>>>>>> whether
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the raw, or locally atlas-aligned data should be  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> provided. (Avi
>>>>>>>>>>>>> didn't
>>>>>>>>>>>>> know either...)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Many Thanks!
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -Alex Li Cohen
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ~)-----------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alexander Li Cohen
>>>>>>>>>>>>> al...@npg.wustl.edu (WORK Email)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> alexco...@gmail.com (Non-secure / rapid-response Email)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Petersen/Schlaggar Lab
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Medical Scientist Training Program
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine
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