Dear FreeSurfers,

Please can you explain how mri_surf2surf's --cortex option for
smoothing is implemented?

I assumed it would be along the following lines:
 - mask the data to zero-out the medial wall
 - smooth this masked data
 - smooth the mask itself
 - divide the smoothed data by the smoothed mask
 - (perhaps) re-mask the data

But I've tried doing that long-hand (i.e. calling mri_surf2surf
without the --cortex flag for each smoothing, and using l
load_mgh and save_mgh in MATLAB for the rest), and it doesn't seem to
quite match the results of the --cortex flag.

Now I'm guessing that it instead might do something like the
following. For each connected-neighbour iteration of the smoothing,
only include the neighbour in the average if it is inside the cortex
(not medial wall). However, I can't easily/lazily reimplement this to
check, so could someone reveal the truth? ;-)

Many thanks,
Freesurfer mailing list

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