Hi, I had asked two problems before; one is what is coordinates when I type mris_convert -c lh.thickness lh.white lh.thickness.asc, and another is if the asc file doesn't use Tal coordinate, what commands do I type to obtain the thickness asc with Tal coordinate?, and then you responded me with “the coordinates are native RAS. You can use mri_surf2surf to convert the surface to tal coords with the talairach.xfm.”
So, first, I change the native RAS cooridinate to Tal coordinate with “mri_surf2surf --srcsubject noise0.5_0 --srcsurfval thickness --trgsubject noise0.5_0 --trgsurfval noise0.5_0_tal.xfm --hemi lh --sval-tal-xyz orig --tval-xyz” srcsubject = noise0.5_0 srcval = thickness srctype = trgsubject = noise0.5_0 trgval = noise0.5_0_tal.xfm trgtype = surfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 Reading source surface reg /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/analysis/noise_analysis//noise_0.5_1_5//noise0.5_0/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/analysis/noise_analysis//noise_0.5_1_5//noise0.5_0/surf/lh.orig Applying MNI305 talairach transform 0.966 0.002 -0.004 0.426; 0.018 0.989 0.041 -19.382; -0.006 0.032 0.962 17.438; 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000; INFO: surfcluster: NOT fixing group surface area INFO: trgsubject = srcsubject Saving target data Then, I obtain the thickness asc file with Tal coordinate using this command “mris_convert -c lh.noise0.5_0_tal.xfm lh.white lh.thickness.asc” But, this has an error: MRISreadBinaryCurvature: incompatible vertex number in file ./lh.noise0.5_0_tal.xfm What’s wrong? Would you tell me how to resolve? Thank you in advance! Feng-Xian
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