Hi FreeSurfers,

As the subcortical segmentation fails fairly often on my high resolution
data I want to skip it by using the –noaseg flag, but I’m currently
encountering another issue.


1.)    During the –fix stage of –autorecon2 I receive following error during
mris_euler_numbers (also if I want to view the lh.orig or rh.orig in


rh.orig: face[233615].v[2] = 119048, but face 233615 not in vertex 119048
face list


lh.orig: face[196300].v[1] = 100366, but face 196300 not in vertex 100366
face list


2.)    Normally the subcortical segmentation is also used to cut both
hemisphere and to remove the cerebellum. The cutting plane between the
hemispheres is done very well, but I have never been able to remove the
cerebellum. Do I need to remove it manually or are there some ways to remove
it automatically? Is it required to be removed?


3.)    I’m interested in measuring cortical thickness only. But do I need to
keep something else in mind while not using the subcortical segmentation to
process my data?



Thanks in advance,



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