
1- the 'average' referred to in the display question refers to each
vertex on the group average surface, and is the mean of all subjects in
a group.  Ctrl-right click on a vertex to bring up a data plot to see
this raw data.  the actual display is the p-value (-log10) of the
contrast avgA-avgB.  negative values means its thinning.

2- the import button just does the work for you.  you used to have to do
it manually.

3- it using lh_parahippocampal thickness as a covariate (along with
groups A and B in your example), so its looking a thickness changes
everywhere in relation to lh_parahip thickness.  imagine if you had
selected hippocampal volume:  a reduced size hippocampus would show its
effects across a lot of areas of cortex.  a positive value means it
thickening in those areas. 


On Mon, 2009-06-22 at 07:47 -0700, Jose Soares wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am a little bit confused about the qdec display. I have some simple
> questions about two groups A and B:
> 1- In the question, does the average thickness differ between A and B?
> How this average is calculated? By the difference between the A
> average and B average (avgA-avgB) ? The negative values (normally in
> blue) mean that the thickness (average of B) B is higher than A?
> 2- I want to analyze lh parahippocampal thickness. What is the
> difference between insert the values manually in the qdec.table.dat
> file (like the tutorial) or import ( in subjects - stats data import)
> the lh_parahippocampal_thickness from aparc?
> 3- In the question, does the thickness--lh_parahippocampal_thickness
> correlation differ between A and B? what for instance a positive value
> mean on display? I only expected results in the parahippocampal
> area...
> Thaks for the help,
> Miguel.
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