I'm playing around with different ways of generating custom annotation files
using the fsaverage surface, and would like to estimate the surface area of
each ROI. I tried running mris_anatomical stats, but it seems to required
wm.mgz, which is not contained in the fsaverage directories (please see
below). Is there any way around this? I'm really just interested in
extracting the surface area for each label in my .annot file.

Thanks for your help,

mris_anatomical_stats -a lh.test.aparc.annot -f stats_table.txt -log
logfile.txt fsaverage lh white
computing statistics for each annotation in lh.test.aparc.annot
outputting results to logfile.txt...
reading volume /work/imaging5/af397/twins/fsaverage/mri/wm.mgz...
ERROR: cannot find /work/imaging5/af397/twins/fsaverage/mri/wm.mgz
mris_anatomical_stats: could not read input volume
No such file or directory

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