As an aside, in a Alzheimer/ elderly cohort of ~250, we had 12 subjects
that we had to exclude for what sounds like a very similar reason -- we
just couldn't get the pial surface in the anterior temporal lobe to
properly encapsulate the gray matter.

-Mike H.

On Fri, 2009-05-15 at 12:24 +1000, Olivier Piguet wrote:
> That is correct. This is case of semantic dementia where left anterior  
> temporal region is markedly atrophic.
> Olivier
> On 15/05/2009, at 9:15, Bruce Fischl wrote:
> > so there's 10mm or so of gray matter with no underlying wm? I didn't  
> > think that was ever the case. What pathology is this in? And you're  
> > sure it's cortex, not amygdala? Jean: any thoughts?
> >
> > On Fri, 15 May 2009, Olivier Piguet wrote:
> >
> >> Hi Bruce,
> >> In the coronal plane, slice 152 is the last slice where white  
> >> matter is clearly visible. Then, slices 153-158, only grey matter  
> >> is recognised but not all of it,  and slices 159-164, grey matter  
> >> is not recognised at all.
> >> I added control points  on slice 151-153 in the hope that it would  
> >> help but no luck.
> >> Olivier
> >>
> >> On 15/05/2009, at 8:39, Bruce Fischl wrote:
> >>
> >>> Hi Oliver,
> >>> how far away is the nearest white matter?
> >>> Bruce
> >>> On Fri, 15 May 2009, Olivier Piguet wrote:
> >>>> Hi there,
> >>>> I haven't received a reply to my question below.
> >>>> Just to clarify, I ran autorecon1 and autorecon2 on this subject.  
> >>>> When examining the surfaces in tkmedit, the left temporal pole is  
> >>>> not included in the pial surface. Is there a way to force  
> >>>> freesurfer to recognise this as valid brain tissue, bearing in  
> >>>> mind that there is no visible white matter underneath (and  
> >>>> therefore the option of adding control points is not possible).
> >>>> Thanks for any suggestion to resolve this problem.
> >>>> Olivier
> >>>> On 13/05/2009, at 12:57, Olivier Piguet wrote:
> >>>>> Hi there,
> >>>>> I've run autorecon2 on a subject who has significant unilateral  
> >>>>> atrophy in the anterior temporal region. In the last few slices  
> >>>>> anteriorly, the pial surface does not include what is clearly  
> >>>>> atrophied cortical tissue without underlying white matter. What  
> >>>>> is the method to correct for this? Looking at previous queries,  
> >>>>> all of them refer to spots where one can manipulate the  
> >>>>> segmentation by adding control points in the neighbouring white  
> >>>>> matter, which is not present in this instance.
> >>>>> Any suggestion appreciated.
> >>>>> Olivier
> >>>>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> >>>>> Olivier Piguet Ph.D.
> >>>>> NHMRC Fellow (Clinical Career Development Award)
> >>>>> Conjoint Senior Lecturer UNSW
> >>>>> Prince of Wales Medical Research Institute
> >>>>> Barker St
> >>>>> Randwick NSW 2031
> >>>>> Australia
> >>>>> Voice: +61 2 9399 1113
> >>>>> Fax: +61 2 9399 1047
> >>>>> E-mail:
> >>>>> <pastedGraphic.tiff>
> >>>>>
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> >>>>> Freesurfer mailing list
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>
> >>
> >>
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