Hello Bruce and Nick,

Thank you, Bruce,  for the clarification that FreeSurfer when reading
my dicom files, it thinks the slice thickness is 0, and thank you Nick for
your help as well.  Just for your information, 3D Slicer was able to read in

the dicom files successfully.  I find this perplexing.

Anyways, I tried an alternate route with FreeSurfer which seemed to work
reasonably well.  The dicom files that I was using were derived from a nifti
.nii file.
So I used the original .nii file and everything worked with FreeSurfer,
when I tried to perform non-uniform intensity normalization (the program
gave a segmentation crash) when I typed:
mri_nu_correct.mni --i orig.mgz --o nu.mgz --n 2

So I did the talairach transformation without performing the non-uniform
intensity normalization, and then I was able to calculate the total
volume when I typed:
talairach_avi --i orig.mgz --xfm transforms/talairach.auto.xfm
cp transforms/talairach.auto.xfm transforms/talairach.xfm
mri_segstats --subject subjid --etiv-only

Now that I am able to calculate the total intercranial volume with
I am interested in the details of the procedure that FreeSurfer uses to
the intercranial volume.  Afterall, the pudding is in the details.
I am interested in what components of the head FreeSurfer includes/excludes
in its calculation of total intercranial volume.  I am also interested in
the details of
the mathematical and computer algorithm used to calculate the total
volume (as well as for calculating ventricle volume).  I am performing image
for research on Alzheimer's Disease and I need to understand these
in detail.  Can you recommend any good references that would provide me
information on how FreeSurfer calculates the total intracranial volume and
ventricle volume?
Also, please let me know if the source code is available for my viewing if
at all possible,
which would be really handy.

Thank you,
John Drozd

PostDoctoral Fellow
Robarts Research Institute,
Imaging Department,
The University of Western Ontario
London, Ontario, Canada

On Wed, May 13, 2009 at 5:28 PM, Bruce Fischl <fis...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>wrote:

> looks like it thinks the slice thickness is 0, which is probably bad....
> On Wed, 13 May 2009, Nick Schmansky wrote:
> John,
>> What does the file look like when its opened in tkmedit?  ie
>> tkmedit -f T1.mgz
>> does it look like our sample subject data bert?  ie, a full brain t1
>> anatomical scan?
>> Nick
>> On Wed, 2009-05-13 at 16:41 -0400, John Drozd wrote:
>>>        Hello,
>>>        Here is the ouput from bugr:
>>>        FREESURFER_HOME: /trumpet/downloads/FreeSurfer/freesurfer
>>>        Build stamp: freesurfer-Linux-centos4_x86_64-stable-pub-v4.3.0
>>>        RedHat release: Fedora release 10 (Cambridge)
>>>        Kernel info: Linux x86_64
>>>        I have sets of dicom files such as:
>>>        [jdr...@trumpet orig]$ ls
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_0.dcm*
>>>         70731171155016_S32496_I63397_25.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_100.dcm*
>>>         70731171155016_S32496_I63397_26.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_101.dcm*
>>>         70731171155016_S32496_I63397_27.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_102.dcm*
>>>         70731171155016_S32496_I63397_28.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_103.dcm*
>>>         70731171155016_S32496_I63397_29.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_104.dcm*
>>>         70731171155016_S32496_I63397_2.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_105.dcm*
>>>         70731171155016_S32496_I63397_30.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_106.dcm*
>>>         70731171155016_S32496_I63397_31.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_107.dcm*
>>>         70731171155016_S32496_I63397_32.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_108.dcm*
>>>         70731171155016_S32496_I63397_33.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_109.dcm*
>>>         70731171155016_S32496_I63397_34.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_10.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_35.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_110.dcm*
>>>         70731171155016_S32496_I63397_36.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_111.dcm*
>>>         70731171155016_S32496_I63397_37.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_112.dcm*
>>>         70731171155016_S32496_I63397_38.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_113.dcm*
>>>         70731171155016_S32496_I63397_39.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_114.dcm*
>>>         70731171155016_S32496_I63397_3.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_115.dcm*
>>>         70731171155016_S32496_I63397_40.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_116.dcm*
>>>         70731171155016_S32496_I63397_41.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_117.dcm*
>>>         70731171155016_S32496_I63397_42.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_118.dcm*
>>>         70731171155016_S32496_I63397_43.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_119.dcm*
>>>         70731171155016_S32496_I63397_44.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_11.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_45.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_120.dcm*
>>>         70731171155016_S32496_I63397_46.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_121.dcm*
>>>         70731171155016_S32496_I63397_47.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_122.dcm*
>>>         70731171155016_S32496_I63397_48.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_123.dcm*
>>>         70731171155016_S32496_I63397_49.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_124.dcm*
>>>         70731171155016_S32496_I63397_4.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_125.dcm*
>>>         70731171155016_S32496_I63397_50.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_126.dcm*
>>>         70731171155016_S32496_I63397_51.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_127.dcm*
>>>         70731171155016_S32496_I63397_52.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_128.dcm*
>>>         70731171155016_S32496_I63397_53.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_129.dcm*
>>>         70731171155016_S32496_I63397_54.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_12.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_55.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_130.dcm*
>>>         70731171155016_S32496_I63397_56.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_131.dcm*
>>>         70731171155016_S32496_I63397_57.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_132.dcm*
>>>         70731171155016_S32496_I63397_58.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_133.dcm*
>>>         70731171155016_S32496_I63397_59.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_134.dcm*
>>>         70731171155016_S32496_I63397_5.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_135.dcm*
>>>         70731171155016_S32496_I63397_60.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_136.dcm*
>>>         70731171155016_S32496_I63397_61.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_137.dcm*
>>>         70731171155016_S32496_I63397_62.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_138.dcm*
>>>         70731171155016_S32496_I63397_63.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_139.dcm*
>>>         70731171155016_S32496_I63397_64.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_13.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_65.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_140.dcm*
>>>         70731171155016_S32496_I63397_66.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_141.dcm*
>>>         70731171155016_S32496_I63397_67.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_142.dcm*
>>>         70731171155016_S32496_I63397_68.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_143.dcm*
>>>         70731171155016_S32496_I63397_69.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_144.dcm*
>>>         70731171155016_S32496_I63397_6.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_145.dcm*
>>>         70731171155016_S32496_I63397_70.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_146.dcm*
>>>         70731171155016_S32496_I63397_71.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_147.dcm*
>>>         70731171155016_S32496_I63397_72.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_148.dcm*
>>>         70731171155016_S32496_I63397_73.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_149.dcm*
>>>         70731171155016_S32496_I63397_74.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_14.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_75.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_150.dcm*
>>>         70731171155016_S32496_I63397_76.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_151.dcm*
>>>         70731171155016_S32496_I63397_77.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_152.dcm*
>>>         70731171155016_S32496_I63397_78.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_153.dcm*
>>>         70731171155016_S32496_I63397_79.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_154.dcm*
>>>         70731171155016_S32496_I63397_7.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_155.dcm*
>>>         70731171155016_S32496_I63397_80.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_156.dcm*
>>>         70731171155016_S32496_I63397_81.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_157.dcm*
>>>         70731171155016_S32496_I63397_82.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_158.dcm*
>>>         70731171155016_S32496_I63397_83.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_159.dcm*
>>>         70731171155016_S32496_I63397_84.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_15.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_85.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_160.dcm*
>>>         70731171155016_S32496_I63397_86.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_161.dcm*
>>>         70731171155016_S32496_I63397_87.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_162.dcm*
>>>         70731171155016_S32496_I63397_88.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_163.dcm*
>>>         70731171155016_S32496_I63397_89.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_164.dcm*
>>>         70731171155016_S32496_I63397_8.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_165.dcm*
>>>         70731171155016_S32496_I63397_90.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_16.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_91.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_17.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_92.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_18.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_93.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_19.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_94.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_1.dcm*
>>>         70731171155016_S32496_I63397_95.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_20.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_96.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_21.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_97.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_22.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_98.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_23.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_99.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_24.dcm*
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_9.dcm*
>>>        I first converted these files to an mgz file using:
>>>        [jdr...@trumpet orig]$ mri_convert -it dicom
>>>        70731171155016_S32496_I63397_0.dcm T1.mgz
>>>        mri_convert -it dicom 70731171155016_S32496_I63397_0.dcm
>>>        T1.mgz
>>>        $Id: mri_convert.c,v 2009/01/30 02:30:42 nicks Exp $
>>>        reading from 70731171155016_S32496_I63397_0.dcm...
>>>        Starting DICOMRead2()
>>>        dcmfile
>>>        =
>>> /trumpet/downloads/FreeSurfer/freesurfer/subjects/buckner_data/tutorial_subjs/convertedfile/mri/orig/70731171155016_S32496_I63397_0.dcm
>>>        dcmdir
>>>        =
>>> /trumpet/downloads/FreeSurfer/freesurfer/subjects/buckner_data/tutorial_subjs/convertedfile/mri/orig
>>>        WARNING: tag ImageNumber not found
>>>        Ref Series No = 63443
>>>        Found 168 files, checking for dicoms
>>>        WARNING: tag ImageNumber not found
>>>        Found 166 dicom files in series.
>>>        WARNING: tag ImageNumber not found
>>>        First Sorting
>>>        WARNING: files are not found to be different and cannot be
>>>        sorted
>>>        File1:
>>> /trumpet/downloads/FreeSurfer/freesurfer/subjects/buckner_data/tutorial_subjs/convertedfile/mri/orig/70731171155016_S32496_I63397_0.dcm
>>>        File2:
>>> /trumpet/downloads/FreeSurfer/freesurfer/subjects/buckner_data/tutorial_subjs/convertedfile/mri/orig/70731171155016_S32496_I63397_1.dcm
>>>        Computing Slice Direction
>>>        Vs: 1.2024 0 0
>>>        Vs: 1 0 0
>>>        Second Sorting
>>>        Counting frames
>>>        nframes = 1
>>>        nslices = 166
>>>        ndcmfiles = 166
>>>        PE Dir = UNKNOWN (dicom read)
>>>        TransferSyntaxUID: --1.2.840.10008.1.2--
>>>        jpegUID:           --1.2.840.10008.1.2.4--
>>>        Loading pixel data
>>>        TR=0.00, TE=0.00, TI=0.00, flip angle=0.00
>>>        i_ras = (-0, -0, -1)
>>>        j_ras = (-0, -1, 0)
>>>        k_ras = (-1, -0, 0)
>>>        writing to T1.mgz...
>>>        Then I copied the outputted T1.mgz file using:
>>>        [jdr...@trumpet orig]$ cp T1.mgz ../rawavg.mgz
>>>        [jdr...@trumpet orig]$ cd ..
>>>        [jdr...@trumpet mri]$ ls
>>>        1.Bvq.Xml*  2.Bvq.Xml*  error.log  orig/  orig2/  rawavg.mgz
>>>         transforms/
>>>        [jdr...@trumpet mri]$ pwd
>>> /trumpet/downloads/FreeSurfer/freesurfer/subjects/buckner_data/tutorial_subjs/convertedfile/mri
>>>        Then I tried to conform the data using:
>>>        [jdr...@trumpet mri]$ mri_convert rawavg.mgz orig.mgz --
>>>        conform
>>>        mri_convert rawavg.mgz orig.mgz --conform
>>>        $Id: mri_convert.c,v 2009/01/30 02:30:42 nicks Exp $
>>>        reading from rawavg.mgz...
>>>        TR=0.00, TE=0.00, TI=0.00, flip angle=0.00
>>>        i_ras = (-0, -0, -1)
>>>        j_ras = (-0, -1, 0)
>>>        k_ras = (-1, -0, 0)
>>>        Original Data has (0.93905, 0.93905, 0) mm size and (256, 256,
>>>        166) voxels.
>>>        Data is conformed to 1 mm size and 256 voxels for all
>>>        directions
>>>        changing data type from 4 to 0 (noscale = 0)...
>>>        MRIchangeType: Building histogram
>>>        Reslicing using trilinear interpolation
>>>        MRIresample(): source matrix has zero determinant; matrix is:
>>>        -0.000  -0.000  -0.000   0.000;
>>>        -0.000  -0.939  -0.000   0.000;
>>>        -0.939   0.000   0.000   0.000;
>>>         0.000   0.000   0.000   1.000;
>>>        Do you know why I get this error?
>>>        MRIresample(): source matrix has zero determinant; matrix is:
>>>        -0.000  -0.000  -0.000   0.000;
>>>        -0.000  -0.939  -0.000   0.000;
>>>        -0.939   0.000   0.000   0.000;
>>>         0.000   0.000   0.000   1.000;
>>>        Any help would be appreciated.
>>>        John Drozd
>>>        PostDoctorate Fellow
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