the local GI method was included in FreeSurfer from the version 4.0.3 onward, but you better have to use the version 4.0.4 or newer for a bug free release on lgi stuff.
Just to know, if you have already processed your entire dataset: you can install the new freesurfer version (anyone from 4.0.4 and newer), set FREESURFER_HOME to the new version's directory, set the SUBJECTS_DIR to your subjects' directory that were processed with version 4.0.2. And then if you just run recon-all -lgi (and not other recon-all features), that will be fine for you. As soon as the recon-all -lgi process is finished, you will get the ?h.pial_lgi files and you can go back to your usual version by resetting the environment variables. In that way you don't need to reprocess your entire dataset.
Hope it helps, Marie Quoting Prapti Gautam <>:
Dear all, I am trying to measure local Gyrification Index in my subjects and can't get started. I get the following error: Flag -localGI not recognised I have Matlab and its Image processing toolbox installed in my computer and am running freesurfer version 4.0.2. Do I have to have the newer version of freesurfer installed to use lGI? Thanks, Prapti
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