> Hi Jamie,
> what do you mean by "bad labels"?

when going through each subject in mri_ca_train, some subjects output
the following:
ERROR: mri_ca_train: possible bad training data! subject:

and then after all the subjects are finished in mri_ca_train, it says:
ERROR: mri_ca_train check found 6 subjects with bad labels!

i edited everything by hand (and had another raters also check the
edits) and there is nothing visually, i can see that is wrong w/ the
segmentation edits. so i wasn't sure if something else went wrong and
i should remove those 6 subjects?


> Bruce
> On Tue, 28 Apr 2009, Jamie Hanson wrote:
>> Hi Freesurfer folks-
>> I am in the midst of creating a custom aseg atlas and had a quick
>> question regarding when to use v. discard subjects.
>> I just ran the second iterations of mri_ca_train (when you use all the
>> subjects in subjects.csh and are training from segmented subjects
>> using M3D_ONE) and I have 6 (of 18) subjects "with bad labels". Is it
>> best to discard those subjects and just use the successfully labeled
>> subjects? I wasn't sure if only included those good subjects would
>> perhaps boost my aseg atlas accuracy.
>> Thanks much.
>> Best,
>> jamie.

Jamie L. Hanson
Waisman Laboratory for Brain Imaging & Behavior | Child Emotion Research Lab
University of Wisconsin - Madison
1500 Highland Avenue
Madison, WI 53705
Email: jamielarshan...@gmail.com
Homepage: http://tezpur.keck.waisman.wisc.edu/~hanson/
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